Favorite Board Game?

I'm not sure I'd call it my all-time fav but there's this:
Haven't played it in ages though.
I always loved Clue, even if I didn't play it totally right with all of those weapons pieces and stuff. I love deducing a mystery.
The most recent one I've played that I really enjoyed was Pandemic. Saw it at a boardgame cafe with friends and only intended to stay there for an hour or two. Ended up playing that for like 5 hours lol. From my childhood, battleship was my favourite thing to play with my brother. Overall favourite would be classic scrabble though.
Waiting for someone to say Ouija board and share some creepy experiences tbh

I haven't played that many board games, but I guess Monopoly's fun.
Secret Hitler. Super fun with a big group.

Yes! This is by far one of my favourite party games. Where I work, there is a group of us that have played it over dozens of lunch hours. I bought it for myself after being introduced to it at work. My family loves it, my friends all love it. I have played with people as young as 10-11, and as old as mid-60s. Everyone enjoys playing it. It's fun to develop a meta with people you play with regularly, or experience the game from scratch with people you've never played it with. Such a good game!
My favorite board game is Scrabble. I love words and language so it's a fun challenge for me. I own the anniversary edition in a fancy tin container and everything, but sadly no one will play it with me. :(
not really a "board" game, but munchkin apocalypse is my absolute favorite non-video game out there. I STRONGLY recommend it, warning though it can get extremely competitive.
candyland and game of life, i get that candyland is for kids but it makes me nostalgic.
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I went to my school’s board game club a few times last year and I really enjoyed Mysterium. Werewolf, clue, the resistance, are cool too. There was also this board game where you all get a card and a notebook to draw what the card says and pass it to the right. The next person getting the notebook writes the word to describe what they drew, then the next person draws what that previous person’s word was, etc... forgot the name but it was hilarious. I like those semi cooperative games instead of super competitive

I also like exploding kittens because cats :’) even tho they’re exploding. I actually played it for the first time with a few friends and my bio teacher in high school on a school trip haha.

Cards against humanity is also fun with some close friends. I don’t think I’d be comfortable playing it with strangers tbh. It’s all about getting the judge’s sense of humour.
Either Candyland or Monopoly. I dunno... something about taking the entire board in Monopoly while your friends watch helpless from jail is the embodiment of >:3c
The Game of Life. I love Monopoly too, but everyone in my family hates it so I haven't played it in years :(
Everdell is my favorite boadgame. Named my NH island after it because... well it's about a forest full of animals all with their own tasks (abilities). :p Really a great game and it has beautiful artwork.

Second favorite is Wingspan. It's about a whole lot (I thought 300+) of different birds each with their own abilities and places to lay eggs or hunt. You have to collect types of food in order to play them. The further in the game you can get powerfull chain reactions to breed, feed or lay eggs and score points.
I love scattergories 😁
I’ll play it for hours, also make my own lists up instead of using the same ones over and over again. Card games are one of my favorites as well, there’s so many you can learn! Sometimes I’ll just play solitaire by myself.. I’m not an old person I swear!