Favorite Board Game?

It's a hard decision, but i'd have to say that my favourite is probably Scrabble. I love pretty much any and all word based games, and I like how scrabble can be very RNG based at times as well, so even though I might be better than my opponents, i'm not exactly guaranteed to win any game that I play. I do also enjoy Boggle, which is also another word game, where you make strings of letters to form as many words as you can (the longer the better). Although with Boggle, I seem to just be naturally very good at it, so that combined with no RNG element means it's usually not very fun for me to play with my family or friends, since I win almost every single round (and yes, that does start to get very boring despite it sounding cool).

If we're talking about just games you'd play around a table, then i'd definitely like to mention that Cards against Humanity can be very fun. It's a good one to pull out after everyone's had a few drinks, as being intoxicated just makes the cards and jokes seem even funnier. While I wouldn't exactly want to play it with my grandparents, I don't think the game is as offensive as a lot of people think. It's perfectly fine to play with people who aren't exactly 'edgy' and even the more uptight people usually get swept up by the game and end up joining in too.
connect 4, I'm god mode at that,
idk if chess counts but I'm also really good at that too, and it's probably my favourite
My mom loves playing Trouble even if there's really no skill in it.

I have fond memories of playing Monopoly while staying at the camp with my extended family. We often wouldn't play normally though, we'd form alliances and cheat or come up with random bull reasons for why we didn't have to pay them if we landed on their property but it'd be in good fun.

Also Cards Against Humanity is great, I remember playing another similar thing called Apples to Apples that was fun, but the cards weren't as raunchy haha.
Trivial pursuit. Our whole family has a bit of an intellectual lean but we tend to have our own niches (me in science, my sister in pop culture, my dad in history and so on) so we’re all pretty evenly matched.
It's a tie between Monopoly, The Game of LIfe, and Clue.
I've never played a full game of Monopoly ever, but it's still fun to steal my friend's buildings and watch them sit in jail.
In Game of Life I've always been successful and have had way too much and be lucky, and watch everyone else have like 1k in their hand lol. Still really fun.
And, with Clue, it's just fun in general. I like the concept of it.
the old trivial pursuit, also balderdash.

not really into like, rp/card/more advanced board games things.
Mine is trivial pursuit! Especially if it's for a specific film/series I like! Otherwise for general games I'm going to have to say my childhood favorite: Candyland!

I also really love cards against humanity but I don't play it often!
When we were kids, my favorite board game was Uncle Wiggley. We also played a lot of Monopoly, Sorry!, Parcheesi, and Payday.

For non-board games, Mille Bourne was the favorite, and we still love to play that.
Haven't really had the chance to play many board games over the past few years, especially this year considering the circumstances. That said, the usual go-to when the opportunity arises is Scrabble.

Other good ones that come to mind are Clue, Scattergories, and Yahtzee. Trivial Pursuit can be fun too, and I remember enjoying 13 Dead End Drive, Dare!, and Key to the Kingdom back when I was younger, but it has been too long for me to know how they hold up.

As far as games that I've never had the opportunity to play are concerned, I've long had an interest in trying Risk. I'm also very interested in trying out Betrayal at House on the Hill because from what I've seen, I love the concept. I got a copy of Betrayal at House on the Hill in the hopes that the time will come when I can play it with the friends.
Candy Land, Life, Clue, Chutes & Ladders. I was never really a fan of Monopoly because of how long it took to play. Camp Grizzly is sort of a more recent one. It's one that I like. There are some more I can't think of at the moment.
There is so much more monopoly that I thought I would ever see in a board game thread.

Favorites party game: Codenames
Favorite to introduce people to complex board game: 7 wonders, Catan, Betrayal at House on the Hill
Complex: Small wonder, Bloodrage
2 player: Hanamikoji
Favorite campaign: Gloomhaven
Settlers of Catan + sea farers expansion (the original map is just too small)

It's a strategy game that has a lot to learn initially, so it can be a little difficult to try and get people who haven't played to learn. It's worth it to learn though, easily my favorite board game
I really like Battleship but I'm also a fan of The Settlers of Catan. I've only played the latter once or twice but I think it's really interesting.
I have so many board games/ tabletop games I can't chose one some of my favorite are:
  • Wingspan + expansion
  • Hadara
  • Roll Player
  • Above and Below
  • Near and Far
  • Letter Jam
  • 7 Wonders
  • Everdell
  • Sagrada + expansion
  • San Juan second edition
  • Corinth (roll 'n write style game)
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Everdell is my favorite boadgame. Named my NH island after it because... well it's about a forest full of animals all with their own tasks (abilities). :p Really a great game and it has beautiful artwork.

Second favorite is Wingspan. It's about a whole lot (I thought 300+) of different birds each with their own abilities and places to lay eggs or hunt. You have to collect types of food in order to play them. The further in the game you can get powerfull chain reactions to breed, feed or lay eggs and score points.
I knew it, I think I asked you about this a while ago 🤔

A new expansion for Wingspan is releasing this year, so we'll get more bird lol
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I went to my school’s board game club a few times last year and I really enjoyed Mysterium.

Mysterium is so much fun, but sooooo frustrating when you're the ghost. But I really enjoy it. I also like Dixit, sort of a similar game where you have to interpret surreal images.

I play a ton of board games, it's hard to name all the ones I love. An easy one is Carcassone. I like the "winter edition" version because it has adorable art, including a Wolpertinger (a mythical creature sort of like a Jackalope) on one of the tiles. I usually like to play with house rules that whoever gets the Wolpertinger tile gets an extra 2 points.
Mysterium is so much fun, but sooooo frustrating when you're the ghost. But I really enjoy it. I also like Dixit, sort of a similar game where you have to interpret surreal images.

I play a ton of board games, it's hard to name all the ones I love. An easy one is Carcassone. I like the "winter edition" version because it has adorable art, including a Wolpertinger (a mythical creature sort of like a Jackalope) on one of the tiles. I usually like to play with house rules that whoever gets the Wolpertinger tile gets an extra 2 points.
I'm sooooooo bad at dixit, I'm very left brained, so I struggle with coming up with clues/interpretations 😣 🤦‍♀️ but it's definitely fun!
Yeah I would probably say The Game of Life is my favorite board game too I have a lot of fond memories playing that game with my siblings.