My favorite board game is probably the Game Of Life. What about you guys?
I knew it, I think I asked you about this a while agoEverdell is my favorite boadgame. Named my NH island after it because... well it's about a forest full of animals all with their own tasks (abilities). Really a great game and it has beautiful artwork.
Second favorite is Wingspan. It's about a whole lot (I thought 300+) of different birds each with their own abilities and places to lay eggs or hunt. You have to collect types of food in order to play them. The further in the game you can get powerfull chain reactions to breed, feed or lay eggs and score points.
I went to my school’s board game club a few times last year and I really enjoyed Mysterium.
I'm sooooooo bad at dixit, I'm very left brained, so I struggle with coming up with clues/interpretations but it's definitely fun!Mysterium is so much fun, but sooooo frustrating when you're the ghost. But I really enjoy it. I also like Dixit, sort of a similar game where you have to interpret surreal images.
I play a ton of board games, it's hard to name all the ones I love. An easy one is Carcassone. I like the "winter edition" version because it has adorable art, including a Wolpertinger (a mythical creature sort of like a Jackalope) on one of the tiles. I usually like to play with house rules that whoever gets the Wolpertinger tile gets an extra 2 points.