Ahh this is a tricky one!
I do drink a lot of water and I actually enjoy it. I prefer cold water over everything else, but room temperature is okay.
I'm not a huge fan of bubbly/fizzy drinks. They can make my tummy upset and I don't always love the fizzy feeling in my mouth, lol. My favourite kind of pop though when I do decide to have some is either Sprite or 7Up. I think I have Sprite more often but I'm 99% sure I've had 7Up as well and enjoyed it! Generally for sweeter drinks I am a sucker for juice. I love iced tea - whether that's a lemonade and iced tea blend, raspberry iced tea, or just regular iced tea it's all yummy to me. When I go out to eat I almost always get iced tea to drink.
Smoothies are my favourite in the summer! I like the good ol' strawberry banana smoothies but I also enjoy more ~tropical~ ones as well with mango, pineapple, peaches, etc. I do like ones with blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries but not as much.
For warm drinks I love hot chocolate and certain kinds of tea! I'm not a huge tea drinker but I like peppermint tea and some fruit teas.