Favorite drink?

Favorite drink?

  • Lemonade

  • Fruit Punch

  • Coke/Cola

  • Sprite/Mt. Dew/Sierra Mist

  • Seltzer

  • Alcoholic beverage (idk)

  • Coffee

  • Tea

  • Orange juice

  • Apple juice

  • Bubble tea

  • Other

  • Water

  • Smoothies

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I like all drinks on that list except for fruit punch and soda! I'm really a drinks person and love spicing up my day with a something special whether its a new type of tea, coffee, bubble tea, etc.
I have a few favorite drinks, I really like to drink some iced coffee (with some milk and toffeenut syrup or white mocha. it's pretty sweet but good.) I also really like to drink some passion tea when I need something refreshing. I also love water (obviously!) and my favorite soda is coke.
Orange juice is my favorite. I love to have it in the mornings with my breakfast. 🙂
My #1 will always be plain ol' water, but I also really like hot Aveda tea and these coconut almond protein smoothies from Koia.
Caffeinated seltzer is my favorite drink. My whole family has a seltzer obsession and go through it very quickly. I even have stickers on my laptop related to Bubly, my favorite brand.
Fruit juice! But peach is definitely my fav, I'd say.
I like everything on the poll list except for seltzer water, alcohol and coffee so I'm not too picky, but my all time favorite drink has to be Fanta orange. Anytime I go out and anytime I buy a drink for myself at the convenience store, 9 times out of 10 it'll always be fanta orange, idk what it is I just love the taste of it and it's such a perfect blend of orange flavor to fizziness to me. I like a lot of orange soda so I know what's good and what really isn't, but Fanta orange will always be my #1
Probably just tea and water. Bit boring but I generally just really enjoy a glass of cold water and a cup of tea for the calming effect.
all I really drink is sparkling water (mainly la croix) and regular water. i occasionally have soda but it's not really my first choice, that being said... dr. pepper is the best soda
I love water and tea. Green tea and Earl Grey are my go tos.

Cherry Coke and Dr Pepper are the best sodas but I’m trying to cut down my soda intake.

I rarely drink alcohol and when I do I stick to wine. I think the last time I had some was almost 2 years ago.
Dr. Pepper is my favorite drink by far. Though I think Pibb is pretty on par so I will drink both regularly.
please tell me i'm not the only one who loves the Starbucks coffee frappuccino with whipped cream and cinnamon topping!
I mainly drink unsweetened sparkling water (seltzer) and plain water. In fact, that's pretty much all I drink. I used to drink some mint tea as well, but I haven't in a long time.

I have a number of sparkling water brands/types I love:
Polar - Tart Cherry Limeade
Bubly - Orange (La Croix's is just as good, but it made my ear pop for some reason ugh)
365 (Whole Foods) - Black Cherry (it is identical to Dasani Sparkling's Black Cherry that I used to drink before they stopped producing it)
Bubly - Lime (similar to Dasani Sparkling's Lime, but Dasani Sparkling's was slightly better)
Good & Gather (Target) - Tropical Cherry
Waterloo - Grape (technically my favorite, but I suspect it clogs up my ears. ugh)
Waterloo - Strawberry (the best strawberry, but also clogs up my ears =( )

And sometimes I like 365's Ginger. It's a very neutral taste, kinda like the pop I used to drink all of the time.
i love citrus juices because of their sourness, so lemonade was a definite choice for me! i especially love the flavoured ones, strawberry lemonade is amazing 🤩
I pretty much drink 1/2 caff coffee 24/7. Not healthy, but that’s where I am in life.
Mountain Dew Passionfruit Frenzy is my favorite soda by far. My water of choice is Fiji. For juice, I’ll go with Tropicana orange juice.
Green tea with a little dab of honey, as well as earl grey. 🍵

Also trying to up my water intake and cut down soda as a way to control my sugar intake.