I definitely like listening to music in the car, also on public transportation back when I use to take metro to work cause driving and parking in DC is a nightmare. I also really like blasting music when I’m at home cleaning or doing daily household chores (laundry or washing dishes).
Love listening to music through my earbuds in the car. I also highly prefer listening to it alone in my bedroom in the evening, or on the front-porch in the early morning while everyone else is asleep. ^^
While going for a long walk (10,000 steps is my usual goal). It's just so nice to be outside in the fresh air, listening to my favourite songs, looking at the birds and the trees and the funny graffiti. My route is pretty chill as most of it is not on busy streets, it's just this long sidewalk that winds along the backyards of houses, leading through parks and stuff
My favourite place to listen to music is on the bus! I like to really concentrate on music when I listen to it so I can fully enjoy it, which makes it not ideal for working or studying because it'll distract me. But on the bus I have nothing else to do, so it's a nice peaceful time to just immerse myself in music and it makes the ride go by much quicker.
Somewhere nice and quiet like a house or room, so I can completely immerse myself in my favorite music. I greatly prefer to listen to music via a boom box or stereo (headphones are sometimes cool too though).
I also prefer to listen to music while by myself for various reasons (one being that everyone I know isn't familiar with most of the music that I love, nor do they really care about it).
Alone in my room while doing work! I like to play it on my speakers at a relatively low volume. I'm not a giant fan of prolonged earphone/headphone use so this is the Way to Go for me.
I would have to say when I'm in public transportation such as the bus or train, when I'm either on my way to work or on my way home from work. Also during car rides, that seems to happen often nowadays. I enjoy watching the scenery and just daydream (also helps keep my mind off of the notion of getting motion sickness, which tends to happen anyway damn......)
And if I go on a walk I especially love listening to music. It makes me pay more attention to and appreciate the small, simple things, like the green trees, flowers, lawns, birds, etc. When I'm in the middle of writing I enjoy listening to music the fits the mood, or that goes with the imagery I'm trying to capture in the form of words. Music always helps me out a ton.
In my car on my way home from work is a favorite of mine or at home at night cozied up in bed.
i don’t usually listen to music in my car ride to work because i get caught up on news, youtube videos, or podcasts in my morning drive. However on the way home i do tend to jam out in the car.
I like to really be immersed in music so i really don’t listen to it around other people, at least music im interested in. We have a radio going at work and that works for background music in the office, but if it’s my music i prefer to be alone.
listening to music is upon my favourite things to do, and I don't mind too much where I listen to it. I only really have places I don't like listening to it- on the street by myself, especially in the dark. makes me feel so unsafe.