Favorite event so far?

As I said in the other thread, my favorite events/contests from the first half of the fair were/are Confetti Collecting, Party Popping Puzzles, and Magnificent Memories.

From the second set of events/contests, my favorites are Canvas Crossing, LAN Party, and Colorful Confetti. While I'm not the best at drawing, I think the concept of Canvas Crossing is really cute, and I can't wait to see everyone's drawings! And I did enjoy making my drawings, even if they may not be the best. For LAN Party, I always enjoy playing games with my fellow TBTers. For Colorful Confetti, the coloring page events have always been something I enjoy, and this one is no different.
The colourful confetti bc it’s not too hard and it’s relaxing LOL

It’s also nice that people can choose between being creative and elevating colours/shades/blendings and following a colour palette for things that alr exist (ie. the tbt plushies)
I really liked the puzzles and I'm liking pin the tail (for now >.>) but I also really liked party prep! I'm also excited to see the results of canvas crossing but nervous for mine to be shown🫣
I think Delectable Delights is my very favorite, I am always looking for an excuse to bake something (especially something more elaborate than your typical baked good)!

I also really love/loved Colorful Confetti, Canvas Crossing, and Party Prepping Station!
My favorite is dazzling decorator since I love decorating harv’s studio, my island and villager homes so much. It’s the one thing I think I’m decent at of all the activities 🙂.

I also really like LAN party since I had a blast during tbtwc playing games with everyone. I really enjoy playing video games with everyone here 🙂.
party prepping station is definitely my favorite event, i like scavenger hunts. party popping puzzles was also a fun one.
I’ve answered here on this thread before, but I’ve done a couple more events, & really loved Canvas Crossing! It was both fun & relaxing to do, & I found myself wanting to do more. It’s a great concept for a contest event for sure, & I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed participating in it! 😁
I really like Canvas crossing! I think it’s such a cute idea, and the idea that my art might actually make someone smile makes me really happy 😊 part of me wishes I didn’t change my hair and eyes for my wardrobe entry to look less like me though, I forgot there was a chance someone might draw it HAH

I also really like magnificent memories, it’s so sweet reading everyone’s entries, and the colouring is always fun! I also like the decorating event.
Probably either the colouring one, always find it relaxing and love seeing what others come up with, or the dazzling decorator, since restarting my island I’ve hardly played the game and that event has encouraged me to get back into it.

Also really enjoyed the variety of the puzzles and having fun with the pin the tail tasks, plus always like any gaming tasks as I enjoy spectating them while I work on other things.
I always enjoy Confetti Collecting type events, but I've also enjoyed Pin the Tail on the Villager, Party Popping Puzzles, and A Cordial Invitation! I think the most meaningful event to me would be Magnificent Memories, but I'm unsure at this time whether I'll have the time to sink into participating in that one. Honestly, all of the activities so far have been really fun, and I'm looking forward to participating in as many as I can. I love the variety of events that are being held!
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I really enjoyed Canvas Crossing! I had fun drawing the characters of other people, and I just really love the idea of it. Looking forward to the reveal at the end!
I really love Canvas Crossing, and I really hope we see similar events of that style in the future!! ;v; I'm also really digging Colorful Confetti because I adore staff's coloring pages, and LAN Party because I love TBT gaming sessions!