Favorite Lion

Rex definitely. Been my favorite since GameCube.
That’s interesting. Really refreshing to see that even the least popular Species can have specific Fans.

For me it’s Lionel and Leonardo. I really like the Gentleman-like Design for Lionel, even if I wished his Mustache was more detailed. And Leonardo has this typical shy Student/Librarian Look.

I also had Elvis in New Leaf and he was okay.

(If only Aziz would come back)

Wrong, because Dobie is quite popular.

Aziz was my buddy back in the OG Gamecube game! I cried when he left me :(

My life would be complete if he would come back!
i honestly don’t like the lions all that much but if i had to choose a favourite, it’d be jubei. i know he’s not in new horizons but i still think he’s neat and would definitely like to see him come back one day!
Lionel has been one of my permanent villagers in ACNH! I love him so much and I got his amiibo card last year! He's so fun, he's the only villager that sings on my island.

I really want to move in Bud at some point! I had him in ACWW as a kid, he lived right by the beach! He's so perfect for summer, maybe I can replace Rudy with him for my jock...
1 year old thread necro xD

My favorite is Mott, but New Leaf Mott when his house was filled with sloppy furniture. His new house is so boring..
I miss sloppy furniture...
i really like lionel, would like to have him on my island someday! he reminds me a lot of a college professor or a mayor lol.
i'm not a huge fan of the lions, but Rex would probably be my favourite! guess i just have a soft spot for lazies
Lionel and Leopold are the most interesting

Although, I would prefer if Leopold didn't have glasses and that Lionel did lol
I often forget about the lion villagers as most of them don't really stand out as good villagers to me but I do like Leopold, an early random move in on my island who quickly grew on me, and Rex, I've never had him but I've seen him while island hopping and he looks cute.