Which is your favorite Mario Party game and why? And which character(s) did you
choosed most of the time?
I only played the Game Cube ones and for a few minutes Mario Party 8 for the Wii. My
favorites would be Mario Party 4 and 5. I spent a lot of time playing them, especially
with 5 when I got as a present back then and had lots of fun playing them. I mostly
choosed either Daisy, Peach, Luigi or Waluigi since they are my favorite characters
and I like them a lot.
choosed most of the time?
I only played the Game Cube ones and for a few minutes Mario Party 8 for the Wii. My
favorites would be Mario Party 4 and 5. I spent a lot of time playing them, especially
with 5 when I got as a present back then and had lots of fun playing them. I mostly
choosed either Daisy, Peach, Luigi or Waluigi since they are my favorite characters
and I like them a lot.