favorite missing npc?

It seems i’m the first to mention him, but the good ol’ Porter. Even if there isn’t a train station here, i just feel like he could work at the airport with the dodos, or something. 😔
I have his poster (from a friend), sure, but it’s not the same. It just doesn’t feel like animal crossing without him being there.

Also gotta give some recognition to, oh, you know, Tortimer! You can’t tell me I’m unable to scan him in, game! That’s not fair! 😭 He’s the only turtle in the game and the trailer they showed us (with that sneaky gravestone) was not comforting at all. It’s also not an AC game without him, the one who (technically) started it all (since he was the mayor in the first 3 (core) games, and all)!
Not technically "missing" but I miss resetti. I know he's running the rescue service and all, but it feels so empty without him yelling at me for letting my DS die while the game was still running.
I miss the assistant form of Isabelle. I liked her in New Leaf - when she would cut to the chase with a smile and tell you to have a good day. She was a main NPC and I used her often in New Leaf.

Come New Horizons, I haven’t talked to her in literally 2 months. It’s not like I need to regularly change my tune/flag/villager catchphrases. At this point, I really don’t care about my island evaluation, either. And her daily announcements are so annoying. “I finally found my missing sock behind the dryer!” “I finally finished my crossword I was stuck on!” She’s starting to sound like a grandma, which is different from the peppy dog who put 3 scoops of sugar in her mocha in NL.
gracie and brewster for functionality. but the cutest ummm maybe digby?? i love him. even though he did nothing (almost, ok i know he did stuff but like... he was so unimportant) in new leaf i still love him and i love the fact that he's isabelle's twin brother ahhh
Pelly and Phyliss should both have the role that Isabelle currently does, each swapping from day to night like earlier games. I’m sure they could have found a better way to use Isabelle as well she feels hollow in her current role, which is where I think Pelly and Phyliss would shine and stand out!
Brewster, obviously. But also the post office trio; having played from the first game, it feels SO weird not having them in this game at all. I miss letter writing being an important part of gameplay.
Unoriginal answer, I'm sure, but... Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster. He is just such a chill, fun character with a soothing theme and an excellent atmosphere to his cafe. As a caffeine addict myself, it also very much resonates with me on a personal level.

If I'm not going with the most obvious answer that most everyone else likely provided, I think I'd have to go with Phineas. There was just something so fun with seeing him pop up in our village to give us some badges, it was a surprise almost every time since there wasn't a clear way to know exactly where we were for many of the badges' requirements or even how to obtain certain badges at all. The Nook Miles are okay in New Horizons but it doesn't have the charm of having a chuckling fellow giving us a reward for our troubles, it's literally just a machine doing some beeps and boops.
wendell is my favourite and i really hope they bring him back someday
i also love the pelicans but mostly bc they remind me of certain puyo puyo characters lol
I miss Gracie and getting all the different furniture / clothing that was offered.