Favorite original villagers catchphrases?

ive had bruce say stroganof and my favorite by far is ava saying idiot every time she says anything and she turns it into gold when shes like "nice weather we're having idiot"
Punchy's "mrmpht". He's so cute and perfect, I swear. >w<
I changed PomPom's catch phrase to be "quackers" and its so cute c:
Freya's "Uff Da", definitely -- being raised in a Norwegian/Swedish household this is a common phrase for me.

Also, I like Ken's "No Doubt" because that's my favorite band. ;P
I like Chief's "Harrumph".
I've had him since the beginning of my town, and I've never changed it. :)
I like Aurora's 'b-b-baby' I dunno it's cute like she's a penguin so she's from a cold climate and it makes it seem like she's cold or shivering.