Favorite villager of each species?

Alligator: Alfonso
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Curt
Bird: Piper and Sparro
Bull: Coach
Cat: Moe and Tom. Also really love Kitty, Olivia, and Purrl.
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Norma
Cub: Maple
Deer: Fauna, Fuchsia and Beau
Dog: Butch and Cherry
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Amelia
Elephant: Ellie
Frog: Ribbot and Puddles
Goat: Pashmina and Kidd
Gorilla: Boone
Hamster: Clay
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Papi
Kangaroo: Marcie
Koala: Gonzo
Lion: Bud
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Bella
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Gladys and Phoebe
Penguin: Sprinkles
Pig: Agnes
Rabbit: Coco
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Stella
Squirrel: Peanut, Pecan and Poppy.
Tiger: Tybalt
Wolf: Kyle
Alligator: Del (he came into my NL town from my friends town which I thought was cool)
Anteater: Cyrano
Bear: can’t decide between pinky and teddy!
Bird: Jay
Bull: rodeo I guess aha
Cat: very difficult decision! Probably Kiki though I love ankha and kabuki as well
Chicken: Egbert!
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Maple
Deer: Lopez
Dog: Bones
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Amelia
Elephant: Opal
Frog: Puddles (my all time favourite)
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: if I had to pick them I’d pick Boone, but I don’t really like their design in genreal
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Rocco
Horse: savannah
Kangaroo: kitt
Koala: Melba
Lion: elvis
Monkey: Shari, though nana is adorable
Mouse: Chadder
Octopus: marina
Ostrich: gladys, though flora has a really cool design
Penguin: roald
Pig: agnes
Rabbit: dotty
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: willow
Squirrel: peanut! Lots of really cool characters in this species though
Tiger: bangle
Wolf: Whitney (Skye is adorable aswell)
Alligator: Alfonso (Gayle was pretty close too)
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Groucho
Bird: Jacques
Bull: Vic
Cat: Raymond
Chicken: Knox
Cow: Belle (Can I say old characters?)
Deer: Beau (all-time favorite :))
Dog: Goldie
Duck: Bill
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Margie
Frog: Huck
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Hans or Violet
Hamster: Hamlet
Hippo: Lulu (IDC, all of them are ugly)
Horse: Savannah
Kangaroo: Rooney
Kaola: Melba
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Champ (IDC)
Mouse: Bettina
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Kevin
Rabbit: Dotty
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Willow
Squirrel: OMG this is so hard it's either Tasha, Sylvana, or Marshal
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Chief (I love Whitney too!)
alligator: gayle
anteater: anabelle
bear: ursula
bird: midge
bull: x
cat: lolly or merry
chicken: becky
cow: tipper or norma
cub: murphy or stitches
deer: literally all of them
dog: lucky
duck: miranda or pate
eagle: celia
elephant: margie
frog: lily, puddles or drift
goat: pashmina
gorilla: x
hamster: flurry
hippo: bertha
horse: papi
kangaroo: marcie
koala: lyman
lion: x
monkey: nana
mouse: chadder
octopus: zucker
ostrich: julia or phil
penguin: sprinkle
pig: agnes or maggie
rabbit: carmen
rhino: merengue
sheep: eunice
squirrel: poppy
tiger: bianca
wolf: audie
Alligator: Del
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Megan
Bird: Jaques
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Punchy
Chicken: Ken
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Judy
Deer: Bruce
Dog: Cherry
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Tucker
Frog: Lily
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Hamlet
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Roacoe
Kangaroo: Walt
Koala: Eugene
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Bella
Octopus: Octavian
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Gala
Rabbit: Ruby
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Muffy
Squirrel: Nibbles
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Wolfgang
Alligator: Drago
Anteater: Olaf
Bear: Klaus
Bird: Jacques
Bull: Vic
Cat: Tangy (I also like Raymond)
Chicken: Knox
Cow: Norma
Cub: Judy (I also like Stitches)
Deer: Beau (all-time favorite villager as well as my favorite species)
Dog: Lucky
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Avery
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Henry (I also like Ribbot)
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Hamlet
Hippo: Hippeux (don't shoot me please he was a total sweetheart in my NL town)
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Astrid
Koala: Eugene
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Chadder (probably my least favorite species)
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Phoebe
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Chops
Rabbit: Hopkins
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Vesta (I also like Dom)
Squirrel: Static
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Audie
Alligator: del, Alonso is nice
Anteater: Antonio , annalisa is nice
Bear: uh no thanks for bears but I guess ike
Bird: piper
Bull: nobody once more sorry
Cat: Bob and Rosie
Chicken: becky
Cow: norma
Cub: judy,best. maple and June seem nice
Deer: diana, fuchsi a is nice
Dog: Goldie and butch
Duck: Joey and bill
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: margie
Frog: haha I don't like frogs but ribbot looks good
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: don't like hans at all but he's the only one I ve had
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Biff
Horse reneigh and papi
Kangaroo: kitt
Koala: Lyman I guess
Lion: rory, only one I've had
Monkey does Porter count
Mouse: chadder and samson
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Sprocket looks cool, idk
Penguin: roald and sprinkle
Pig: peggy
Rabbit: dotty and the bubblegum twins
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: muffy
Squirrel: marshal best tho I like peanut
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: audie
Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Olaf
Bear: Chow
Bird: Admiral
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Bob or Kid Cat
Chicken: Goose
Cow: Norma
Cub: Stitches or Judy
Deer: Bruce or Diana
Dog: Shep
Duck: Joey
Eagle: Amelia or Celia
Elephant: Cyd
Frog: Lily
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Clay
Hippo: Biff
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Walt
Koala: Gonzo
Lion: Rex
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Moose
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Kevin
Rabbit: Coco
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Pietro
Squirrel: Static
Tiger: Tybalt
Wolf: Skye...I also like Dobie and Vivian too
Alligator: Alfonso
Anteater: Anabelle
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Twiggy
Bull: Angus
Cat: Punchy
Chicken: Goose
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Stitches/Pekoe
Deer: Diana
Dog: Shep
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Lily/Jeremiah
Goat: Nan
Gorilla: Peewee
Hamster: Hamphrey
Hippo: Bubbles
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Melba
Lion: Lionel
Monkey: Monty
Mouse: Chaddar
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Blanche
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Rasher
Rabbit: Genji
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Stella
Squirrel: Marshal
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Wolfgang
Alligator: Drago
Anteater: Pango
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Midge
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Kitty and Olivia
Chicken: Knox
Cow: Norma
Cub: Marty
Deer: Bam
Dog: Lucky
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Sterling
Elephant: Margie
Frog: Lily
Goat: Kidd
Gorilla: Don't really like but if I have to pick one maybe Hans
Hamster: Apple
Hippo: Don't really like but if I have to pick one maybe Bubbles
Horse: Roscoe and Reneigh
Kangaroo: Walt
Koala: Yuka
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Dora
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Phoebe
Penguin: Boomer
Pig: Gala
Rabbit: Ruby
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Pietro and Muffy
Squirrel: Poppy
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Fang
Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Olaf
Bear: Ursala and Curt
Bird: Piper
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Punchy
Chicken: Ken
Cow: Norma
Cub: Pekoe and June
Deer: Diana
Dog: Lucky and Cherry
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Lily
Goat: Chevre, Kidd, and Pashmina
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Clay
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Julian and Roscoe
Kangaroo: Mathilda and Rooney
Koala: Yuka
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Deli
Mouse: Bella
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Julia, Gladys, and Flora
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Gala and Rasher
Rabbit: Genji, Snake, and O'Hare
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Eunice and Willow
Squirrel: Marshal, Caroline, Mint, and Static
Tiger: Bianca and Bangle
Wolf: Fang, Kyle, Lobo, and Whitney
Alligator: Drago
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Pinky
Bird: Midge
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Lolly/Punchy
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Stitches
Deer: Fauna/Beau
Dog: Bones/Goldie/Daisy (the dogs are my favs o: )
Duck: Ketchup
Eagle: Celia
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Jeremiah
Goat: Chevre
Gorilla: Louie
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Biff
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Marcie
Koala: Melba
Lion: Rex
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Rod
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Wade
Pig: Agnes
Rabbit: Genji/Ruby
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Willow/Stella
Squirrel: Sylvana/Marshal
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Fang
Alligator: Drago and Alfonso
Anteater: Annabelle and Antonio
Bear: Paula and Pinky
Bird: Jay
Bull: T-Bone
Cat: Kiki
Chicken: Goose
Cow: Patty
Cub: Stitches and Maple
Deer: Beau and Deirdre
Dog: Bones
Duck: Derwin
Eagle: Celia
Elephant: Tia and Dizzy
Frog: Henry
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Al
Hamster: Apple and Graham
Hippo: Bubbles
Horse: Papi and Winnie
Kangaroo: Marcie
Koala: Eugene
Lion: Rex
Monkey: Flip and Shari
Mouse: Dora
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Queenie and Blanche
Penguin: Wade
Pig: Lucy
Rabbit: Doc and O'Hare
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Dom and Pietro
Squirrel: Hazel
Tiger: Bangle
Wolf: Skye
Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Antonio and Pango
Bear: Pinky
Bird: Piper
Bull: Nope
Cat: Raymond, Ankha, Tom, and Punchy
Chicken: Ken
Cow: Naomi
Cub: Judy
Deer: Diana and Bruce
Dog: Lucky
Duck: Molly
Elephant: Tia and Chai
Frog: Raddle
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Boone
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Biff
Horse: Julian, Epona, and Reneigh
Kangaroo: Walt and Rooney
Koala: Eugene
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Deli I guess?..
Mouse: Bettina
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Phoebe
Penguin: Cube and Sprinkle
Pig: Ganon
Rabbit: Coco
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: E'toile, Woolio, and Dom
Squirrel: Marshal and Agent S
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Wolf Link (please bring him back Nintendo)
Last edited:
Alligator: Alfonso and Gayle
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Tutu
Bird: Piper
Bull: Angus
Cat: Mitzi
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Patty
Cub: Cheri
Deer: Erik
Dog: Goldie
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Ellie
Frog: Lily
Goat: Chevre
Gorilla: Boone (or none lol)
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Rocco
Horse: Savannah
Kangaroo: Kitt
Koala: Yuka
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Dora
Octopus: Octavian
Ostrich: Julia
Penguin: Wade
Pig: Agnes
Rabbit: Dotty
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Eunice
Squirrel: Sylvana
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Fang
Alligator: drago
Anteater: annalisa
Bear: charlise
Bird: jay
Bull: rodeo
Cat: katt
Chicken: rhoda
Cow: naomi
Cub: tammy
Deer: bruce
Dog: daisy/lucky
Duck: molly
Eagle: amelia
Elephant: dizzy
Frog: jeremiah
Goat: nan
Gorilla: boone
Hamster: flurry/clay
Hippo: bertha
Horse: reneigh
Kangaroo: mathilda
Koala: alice
Lion: elvis
Monkey: tammi
Mouse: bella/bree
Octopus: zucker
Ostrich: phil/blanche
Penguin: sprinkle
Pig: ganon
Rabbit: snake/dotty
Rhino: renee
Sheep: vesta/stella
Squirrel: peanut/pecan
Tiger: bangle
Wolf: kyle/dobie
Alligator: Sly - Drago is cool, but Sly has a great color palette.
Anteater: Olaf - He and I have the same Birthday.
Bear: Klaus - Er ist mein Bär. 😊
Bird: Jay - I love bluejays, but I also like Midge. I had both in the first Animal Crossing game.
Bull: Vic - He's a Viking. What more needs to be said? Oxford is looking kind of cool, though.
Cat: Punchy - This was difficult. I really like Mitzi, Tabby, Tangy, and Rosie. I had the Punchy and the following three on the GameCube.
Chicken: Knox - It would have been Hank if he was in New Horizons.
Cow: Tipper - I don't have a favorite. So the one I chose would have to do.
Cub: Bluebear - Next would probably be Maple.
Deer: Bam - No particular reason. Not really a fan of the deer.
Dog: Lucky - Or Goldie.
Duck: Bill - He's just a simple duck. But I think why I really like him is because I had him on the GameCube.
Eagle: Sterling - I had him in New Leaf. Avery is looking kind of cool, though. I currently have him.
Elephant: Axel - He has a cute smile.
Frog: Ribbot - I had him, Cousteau, and Jeremiah on the GameCube, though. All my favorites.
Goat: Pashmina - I have her right now. But I had Sven and Chevre in the past.
Gorilla: Hans - My favorite gorilla. But I also like Al and Boyd.
Hamster: Apple - CHEEKERS!
Hippo: Biff I had him on the GameCube.
Horse: Peaches - I had her on the GameCube. Next favs would have to be Ed, Papi, and Winnie.
Kangaroo: Rooney - Only because I've had him living in my town.
Koala: Ozzie - I just think he's cute.
Lion: Mott - He grew on me. But I also like Leopold. I had him on the GameCube.
Monkey: Flip - I've never had him, but I like his overall design and color scheme.
Mouse: Broccolo - Probably the only best looking mouse in the game. Plus his name is similar to broccoli, and I like broccoli.
Octopus: Octavian - The first octopus villager I've ever had. I had him on the GameCube. Zucker is cool, too. I had him in New Leaf.
Ostrich: Sprocket - I like him because he's a robot. But I like Cranston, Gladys, and Phoebe, too.
Penguin: Hopper - He looks like he hasn't had a day of sleep. Those eyebrows are also something else.
Pig: Rasher - Not the most pleasing pig to look at, but I had him on the GameCube. His face has a story.
Rabbit: Hopkins - I also like Mira, Gaston, Doc, Coco, and O'Hare.
Rhino: Hornsby - I had him on the GameCube. I miss him.
Sheep: Vesta - I had her on the GameCube. But I also like Frita, and Pietro.
Squirrel: Poppy - She reminds me of red velvet cake. I like Marshal, too. Surprise, surprise! But I actually didn't like him before. He grew on me.
Tiger: Rolf - But I also like Bianca.
Wolf: Wolfgang - I also like Freya and Skye.
Alligator: gayle.
Anteater: Annabelle.
Bear: Megan.
Bird: jacques.
Bull: none lol.
Cat: bob.
Chicken: plucky.
Cow: patty & tipper.
Cub: judy.
Deer: fauna & fuchsia
Dog: Goldie.
Duck: joey/ketchup/molly/scoot
Eagle: apollo.
Elephant: margie.
Frog: lily.
Goat: nan.
Gorilla: none lol.
Hamster: flurry.
Hippo: bubbles.
Horse: reneigh.
Kangaroo: none lol.
Koala: melba & yuka.
Lion: none lol.
Monkey: nana.
Mouse: bree.
Octopus: zucker.
Ostrich: blanche.
Penguin: sprinkle & wade.
Pig: agnes.
Rabbit: coco.
Rhino: hornsby.
Sheep: PIETRO/dom/eunice/muffy/stella/vesta/willow.
Squirrel: hazel.
Tiger: bangle & bianca.
Wolf: all of them <3
Alligator: Del
Anteater: Olaf
Bear: Pinky
Bird: Jacob
Bull: None really
Cat: Tom! I love a lot though
Chicken: Ken
Cow: None
Cub: Vladimir, honorable mention to Judy
Deer: Lopez
Dog: Biskit
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Axel
Frog: Cousteau
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: NONE
Hamster: Hamlet
Hippo: None at all
Horse: Papi, honorable mention to Julian
Kangaroo: None
Koala: Melba
Lion: Leopold
Monkey: Nana?
Mouse: Rod
Octopus: Octavian
Ostrich: Cranston
Penguin: Puck, honorable mention to Aurora
Pig: Maggie
Rabbit: O'Hare<3 Honorable mention to Snake
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Willow
Squirrel: Marshal, honorable mention to Static
Tiger: Tybalt
Wolf: Wolfgang
Alligator: Boots... or maybe Drago or Sly idk but most likely Boots
Anteater: Anabelle. Underrated gem tbh
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Anchovy, only because he was my homeboy in NL. Jay is cool too, we're birthday buddies
Bull: Vic and Stu aren't bad... but Rodeo's got uniqueness
Cat: Mitzi or Kiki, great experiences with both
Chicken: Gooooooooooose
Cow: tough one... would have to be Patty if I didn't run into her on island tours constantly (side note, does the game treat cows and bulls like separate species on island tours?)
Cub: lotta good ones... I'll have to go with Murphy only because I'm interested in acquiring him for my island atm but can't choose otherwise
Deer: Fauna. Bruce and Bam aren't bad though, neither is Zell
Dog: Walker by experience, Bea by appearance I mean look at her look at that muzzle
Duck: either Ketchup or maybe Joey
Eagle: I always thought Avery was pretty cool
Elephant: Tia... after staring at the elephant heads I've realized how off-putting it is that their trunks are all permanently tilted up
Frog: Drift or Frobert
Goat: Chevre
Gorilla: Peewee
Hamster: Hamphrey
Hippo: Bertha's cute but I prefer my boy Rocco
Horse: Roscoe or Savannah
Kangaroo: Kitt
Koala: M e l b a
Lion: Rory
Monkey: Nana should be more popular tbh she's like discount Marina
Mouse: So much potential!... but I'll go with Rod
Octopus: never had takoyaki but guess I'll go with Zucker
Ostrich: always admired Gladys. I call her the Pepsi ostrich a lot when I can't remember her name
Penguin: b-b-buddy
Pig: so many cute ones but if I'm honest I'm most attached to Rasher
Rabbit: I've had Cole, Gabi and Gaston in my AC life and I'm into all of em, but ngl Genji's kinda neat
Rhino: I have Spike on my island and Hornsby's cute, but can't deny there's a reason Merengue is popular
Sheep: Wendy!
Squirrel: Filbert!
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: gang