Favorite villager of each species?

Alligator: Alfonso
Anteater: Cyrano and Anabelle, but I love most and like all of them.
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Jay
Bull: Stu
Cat: Tangy, my second-favorite villager but so close to my favorite.
Chicken: Benedict, my best friend in City Folk.
Cow: Patty
Cub: Stitches
Deer: Bruce I guess but I can't decide.
Dog: Frett or Lucky
Duck: Ketchup
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Eloise or Big Top
Frog: Camofrog
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Cesar
Hamster: Apple
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Julian or Ed
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Melba, my favorite villager ever!
Lion: Bud
Monkey: Champ, Shari, or Tiansheng
Mouse: Petri
Octopus: Octavian or Zucker
Ostrich: Cranston
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Agnes
Rabbit: Pippy
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Muffy
Squirrel: Marshal
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Vivian
I love these sort of threads, seeing how similar/different we all are.

My favourites for most species change a fair bit, but as of 17/12/21 they are:

Alligator: Roswell / Gayle tie.
Anteater: Pango
Bear: Chow. 💖
Bird: Admiral. 💖
Cat: Stinky. 💖
Cow: Norma.
Cub: Chester.
Deer: Bam.
Dog: Maddie
Duck: Pate.
Eagle: Buzz.
Elephant: Cyd.
Frog: Jambette. 💖
Gorilla: Cesar.
Hamster: Hamlet.
Hippo: Bertha.
Horse: Peaches
Kangaroo: Rooney
Koala: Melba
Lion: Rory
Monkey: Shari.
Mouse: Candi
Octopus: Cephalobot.
Ostrich: Flora.
Penguin: Puck. 💖
Rabbit: Cole. 💖
Sheep: Eunice.
Squirrel: Nibbles.
Tiger: Rowan.
Wolf: Vivian.
Alligator: Alli or Gayle
Anteater: Zoe
Bear: Megan
Bird: Midge
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Bob
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Norma
Cub: Judy
Deer: Fuschia
Dog: Frett
Duck: Scoot
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Chai / Tia
Frog: Lily / Jambette
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Peewee
Hamster: Rodney / Apple
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Cleo
Kangaroo: Marcie
Koala: Faith
Lion: Rex
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Rod
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Gala
Rabbit: Sasha
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Pietro / Dom
Squirrel: Marshal
Tiger: Rowan / Rolf
Wolf: All of them LOL - Skye
  • alligator - gayle or roswell
  • anteater - zoe
  • bear - ursula, pinky, or tutu
  • bird - midge
  • bull - rodeo
  • cat - lolly (also shoutout to raymond, kiki, bob, purrl, mitzi, punchy, merry, and felicity, i love all the cats but those are my main faves)
  • chicken - ava
  • cow - tipper
  • cub - pekoe
  • deer - bam, shino, or zell
  • dog - cookie, cherry, daisy, portia, or marcel
  • duck - pompom
  • eagle - quinn my beloved, i also really like celia, avery, apollo, and amelia
  • elephant - chai
  • frog - lily
  • goat - sherb or kidd
  • gorilla - peewee
  • hamster - flurry
  • hippo - bertha
  • horse - colton or reneigh
  • kangaroo - astrid
  • koala - sydney, yuka, or melba
  • lion - lionel
  • monkey - nana or shari
  • mouse - petri
  • octopus - marina
  • ostrich - blanche, flora, or gladys
  • penguin - gwen
  • pig - agnes
  • rabbit - dotty, ruby, bonbon, or sasha
  • rhino - azalea
  • sheep - vesta, etoile, or muffy
  • squirrel - filbert, tasha, or poppy
  • tiger - bianca
  • wolf - fang, freya, lobo, or skye
Seems fun. Even picking from species I don't like. Let's goooo. Italics = ones I wouldn't mind having on my island. Italic + bold are my dreamies / permanent residents between my two islands, lol. ( Only putting two if I have one on each island or one is secondary to my fav but resides on one of my islands. )

Alligator: Roswell
Anteater: Cyrano
Bear: Klaus
Bird: Midge
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Raymond
Chicken: Egbert
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Judy [ Stitches ]
Deer: Fuchsia [ Shino ]
Dog: Lucky [ Cherry ]
Duck: Quillson
Eagle: Keaton
Elephant: Cyd
Frog: Raddle
Goat: Billy
Gorilla: Boone
Hamster: Marlo
Hippo: Biff
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Walt
Koala: Eugene
Lion: Aziz ... but since he isn't in NH, Leopold
Monkey: Tiansheng
Mouse: Chadder [ Petri ]
Octopus: Cephalobot
Ostrich: Rio [ Sprocket ]
Penguin: Tex [ why is he the only one with webbed feet!!! ]
Pig: Chops [ Rasher ]
Rabbit: Coco [ Sasha ]
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Woolio ... but not in NH, so Pietro [ Vesta ]
Squirrel: Marshal
Tiger: Tybalt
Wolf: Dobie [ Audie ]
Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Zoe
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Midge
Bull: Stu
Cat: Raymond
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Norma
Cub: Maple
Deer: Beau
Dog: Cookie
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Lily
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Rocket
Hamster: Flurry
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Julian
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Faith
Lion: Bud
Monkey: Tiansheng
Mouse: Petri
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Phoebe
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Agnes
Rabbit: Sasha
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Dom
Squirrel: Marshal
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Whitney
Alligator: Roswell.
Anteater: Antonio.
Bear: Groucho. Honourable Mentions: Chow, Curt, Megan, and Tutu.
Bird: Jay and Robin.
Bull: Stu.
Cat: Kiki and Purrl. Honourable Mentions: Bob, Kid Cat, Kitty, Merry, and Punchy.
Chicken: Egbert.
Cow: Tipper.
Cub: Stitches. Honourable Mentions: Bluebear and Maple.
Deer: Shino. Honourable Mentions: Bam, Diana, Erik, and Fauna.
Dog: Lucky. Honourable Mentions: Bones, Cherry, and Goldie.
Duck: Bill (my bestie since WW). Honourable Mentions: Drake, Molly, and Scoot.
Eagle: Apollo. Honourable Mentions: Amelia, Celia, and Quinn.
Elephant: Axel. Honourable Mentions: Eloise and Tia.
Frog: Frobert and Ribbot. Honourable Mentions: Drift, Lily, and Raddle.
Goat: Sherb. Honourable Mentions: Pashmina.
Gorilla: none
Hamster: Hamlet.
Hippo: none
Horse: Julian and Reneigh. Honourable Mentions: Roscoe and Savannah.
Kangaroo: Kitt. Honourable Mentions: Rooney.
Koala: Melba and Yuka.
Lion: Elvis.
Monkey: Tiansheng. Honourable Mentions: Deli.
Mouse: Petri and Rod. Honourable Mentions: Bella, Broccolo, and Chadder.
Octopus: Cephalobot. Honourable Mentions: The other octopi :')
Ostrich: Julia and Rio. Honourable Mentions: Phoebe and Sprocket.
Penguin: Aurora. Honourable Mentions: Cube, Roald, and Tex.
Pig: Rasher.
Rabbit: Bunnie and O'Hare. Honourable Mentions: Dotty, Genji, Sasha, and Snake.
Rhino: Spike. Honourable Mentions: Merengue.
Sheep: Vesta. Honourable Mentions: Dom, Muffy, and Pietro.
Squirrel: Filbert, Ione, Marshal, Poppy, and Static (I cannot choose between these funks). Honourable Mentions: Blaire, Pecan, Sheldon, Sylvana, and Tasha. Honestly think that the squirrels might be one of my favourite AC species.
Tiger: Rolf.
Wolf: Audie and Wolfgang. Honourable Mentions: Chief, Fang, and Vivian.
Alligator: Gayle. But I do also really like Alli
Anteater: Olaf
Bear: Also not really huge on any of the villagers from the bears, if I had to pick I'd probably say Teddy
Bird: Piper is really the only bird I really really like
Bull: Stu, but I also really like Rodeo
Cat: Raymond, honorable mentions are also Rudy, Olivia, and Meow who has been missing since E+
Chicken: Ken, Broffina is also very pretty.
Cow: Tipper, but Norma is also a cutie
Cub: Olive, honorable mentions are Maple, Murphy and Stitches
Deer: Fauna but honestly I think I adore all of the deer villagers in their own rights, they're all pretty good!
Dog: Lucky, but there's also a lot of dogs I really like tbh, Goldie has a place in my heart.
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo, but Avery, Amelia, and Quinn are honorable mentions.
Elephant: Chai
Frog: Henry, honorable mentions are Gigi, Diva and Lily
Goat: Pashmina
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Marlo
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Julian, honorable mentions are Colton, Papi, and Savannah
Kangaroo: Astrid but Koharu who has been missing since E+ is also very cute.
Koala: Eugene, and Melba comes in at a close second
Lion: I can't even lie to you, I really do not like any of the villagers from this species and I can't find one I can even remotely go "yeah I like them" for, they are my least favorite species xD
Monkey: Also really do not care much for this species, but Deli is okay
Mouse: Bella but Petri is super pretty
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Blanche
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Maggie, but I also really like Agnes, and Gala.
Rabbit: Toby, this is honestly hard for me to decide since I like a lot of the rabbits pretty evenly.
Rhino: Azalea, honorable mentions are Hornsby and Merengue
Sheep: Vesta, and Dom are pretty tied for me tbh
Squirrel: Marshal honorable mentions are Static, Pecan, and Sylvana
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Whitney honorable mentions are Wolfgang, and Fang but honestly a lot of the wolfies are cool looking to me
that was a lot of writing omg
Alligator: Gayle! Honourable Mentions to: Roswell and Alfonso
Anteater: Annabelle, such a baby, I love her eyes and bright colors
Bear: Pinky! Underrated and adorable pink queen, Honourable Mentions to: Teddy, Tutu and Ursala
Bird: Midge! Honourable Mentions to: Piper and Anchovy
Bull: Rodeo!
Cat: Raymond and Kiki! Honourable Mentions: Kid Cat, Mitzi, Lolly and Punchy (Love cats soo much!)
Chicken: Plucky! Honourable Mentions: Ken
Cow: Tipper! Hourable Mentions: Norma
Cub: Maple! Honourable Mentions: Murphy, Pudge an Stitches
Deer: Shino! Honourable Mentions: Beau (Buddy since NL <3), Fauna
Dog: Cookie! (Look so much like my beagle, so sweet and pink, I love her and she was the first to give me her photo <3) Honourable Mentions: Bones, Goldie, Bea, Daisy (Love dogs also very much <3)
Duck: Scoot! Honourable Mentions: Molly
Eagle: Celia! Honourable Mentions: Quinn
Elephant: Tia!
Frog: Jeremiah! Honourable Mentions: Lily, Henry and Crambo
Goat: Sherb! Honourable Mentions: Kidd
Gorilla: Not a big fan but If I were to choose Hans!
Hamster: Flurry! Honourable Mentions: Marlo
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Reneigh and Julian! Honourable Mentions: Colton and Cleo (My precious baby)
Kangaroo: Carrie! Honourable Mentions: Rooney!
Koala: Melba!
Lion: Bud!
Monkey: Tiansheng!
Mouse: Petri and Bree!
Octopus: Zucker!
Ostrich: Julia and Flora! Honourable Mentions: Blanche and Cranston
Penguin: Aurora! Honourable Mentions: Cube and Sprinkle
Pig: Gala!
Rabbit: Sasha! Honourable Mentions: Dotty, Genji and Ruby
Rhino: Merengue!
Sheep: Dom! Honourable Mentions: Stella, Muffy, and Eunice (Love majority of the sheeps, they are so cute and fluffy!)
Squirrel: Marshal and Tasha! Honourable Mentions: Ione, Filbert
Tiger: Bangle!
Wolf: Skye and Audie! Honourable Mentions: Chief and Fang (Ngl all the wolves are good!)
Alligator: Boots (only because I like the color green)
Anteater: Antonio (he was the very first villager I had when I first played this game back when it came out in 2020)/Zoe
Bear: Megan
Bird: Midge
Bull: Vic
Cat: KItty/Raymond/Lolly/Kiki
Chicken: Ken
Cow: Patty (not a fan of any of the cow villagers but Patty is alright)
Cub: Maple/Bluebear/Cheri
Deer: Fauna/Diana/Bam
Dog: Cookie
Duck: Molly (enough said. She is too adorable)
Eagle: Apollo/Amelia/Quinn
Elephant: Tia/Ellie
Frog: Lily
Goat: Cherve/Nan
Gorilla: Louie (Don't really like most of them but Louie reminds me of Donkey Kong so he's cool)
Hamster: Marlo
Hippo: Bertha (she's alright but I don't really care much about the Hippo villagers)
Horse: Colton/Julian
Kangroo: Wart (Don't really care much about the Kangrooms that much but Wart is okay I guess)
Koala: Yuka/Faith
Lion: Elvis (he reminds me a bit of Mufasa from the Lion King)
Monkey: Tiansehng (Don't really care about the Monkeys but this one for some reason stood out to me. Idk why but it does)
Mouse: Petri
Octopus: Marina (Still one of my favorites)/Cephalobot
Ostrich: Julia/Rio/Blanche/Phoebe
Penguin: Aurora
Pig: Gala
Rabbit: Bunnie/Francine/Hopkins
Rhino: Merengue/Azalea
Sheep: Muffy/Wendy/Willow
Squirrel: Marshal/Filbert/Tasha/Ione
Tiger: Rowan/Rolf
Wolf: Whitney/Fang/Audie/Skye/WolfGang
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Alligator: gayle
Anteater: annalisa
Bear: teddy
Bird: midge
Bull: rodeo
Cat: merry
Chicken: plucky
Cow: norma
Cub: maple
Deer: erik
Dog: goldie
Duck: molly
Eagle: celia
Elephant: ellie
Frog: lily
Goat: nan
Gorilla: boyde (god i rly hate them all equally)
Hamster: flurry
Hippo: bubbles
Horse: papi
Kangaroo: marcie
Koala: melba
Lion: rex (same as gorilla)
Monkey: nana
Mouse: broccolo
Octopus: marina
Ostrich: blanche
Penguin: roald
Pig: agnes
Rabbit: genji
Rhino: merengue
Sheep: vesta
Squirrel: marshal
Tiger: bangle
Wolf: dobie

this was pretty hard coz i hate a lot of the species , and the ones i do like i tend to like a bunch of them (rip diana and stella)
wow this took forever... if you read this whole thing, you deserve a cookie.

Alligator- Gayle. She's the only one I can stand to look at.
Anteater- Annalisa. I like the colors and the overall theme. Honorable mention goes to Anabelle.
Bear- Megan. Purple is my favorite color, and her face is so cute! Honorable mention goes to Ursala.
Bear Cub- June. I love the tropical-theme villagers, and she's definitely one of my favorites. Honorable mentions are Bluebear, Cheri, Maple, and Stitches. I love the cub villagers so much, they're adorable <3
Bird- Midge. I don't really love the bird villagers, but Midge is okay. She just gives off a minimalist vibe.
Bull- Stu. I never thought I would call a bull adorable, but Stu is adorable.
Cat- Olivia. I used to have her on my island and I miss her :( she has a special place in my heart Honorable mentions are Lolly and Mitzi.
Chicken- Becky. She's gorgeous I love her <3 she's so underrated.
Cow- Norma because I can tolerate her.
Deer- Beau. I used to have him too <3 he was so sweet. Honorable mentions are Deirdre, Fauna, and Shino.
Dog- Cherry. I love the theme and colors. Honorable mentions are Maddie and Bea.
Duck- Molly. She's just so cute I can't stand it. Honorable mention goes to Gloria.
Eagle- Quinn. I love the color scheme, she's gorgeous <3
Elephant- Opal, love the colors and design. Honorable mentions are Ellie, Eloise, and Margie.
Frog- Lily. I honestly think she's overrated but she's better than all the other frogs.
Goat- Pashmina. I like the blue horns against brown, and she seems like a nice villager to have around. Honorable mentions are Nan and Chevre- by the way, did you know they have photos of each other in their houses?
Gorilla- Rilla. I hate them all, but she at least comes with cool items.
Hamster- Soleil. Her name means sun in French, which I love. Honorable mentions are Apple, and Rodney just because he gets so much hate and I feel bad for him :(
Hippo- I guess Hippeux because I used to have him and his name is fancy, but I hate them all.
Kangaroo- Astrid, but only because I like the name
Koala- Faith because of the tropical theme. Honorable mentions are Alice, Melba, and Ozzie.
Lion- Lionel. He reminds me of Beethoven lol
Monkey- Nana. They're all hideous, but Nana I at least wouldn't mind for a kidcore island
Mouse- Bree, she's kinda cute
Octopus- Marina. I love her and hate the rest. She's so cute
Ostrich- Blanche. She's gorgeous and i love her <3 Honorable mentions are Flora and Phoebe
Penguin- Roald because we're birthday twins. Honorable mentions are Wade and Friga.
Pig- Gala, love the eyes <3
Rabbit- Carmen. So underrated, love the color scheme. Honorable mentions are Francine, Mira, and Sasha.
Rhinoceros- Azalea. She's very underrated and I love the name and colors. Honorable mention is is Merengue.
Sheep- Etoile. She's gorgeous and comes with cool items. Honorable mentions are Willow and Dom.
Squirrel- Ione. I love the celestial theme and her house interior is perfection <3 Honorable mentions are Ricky, Poppy, and Blaire.
Tiger- Bianca. I love the white and black with the pink on her ears. Honorable mention is Bangle.
Wolf- Skye <3 I used to have her and she was my favorite :( im gonna cry. Honorable mentions are Audie, Freya, and Vivian.
Ahhh, now this is a tough one!

My favorite...

Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Antonio or Zoe
Bear: Ursala
Bird: Piper
Bull: Stu
Cat: Felicity
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Norma
Cub: June
Deer: Deirdre
Dog: Maddie
Duck: Weber (since Animal Crossing GC!)
Eagle: Quinn
Elephant: Chai
Frog: Lily
Goat: Kidd or Chevre
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Marlo (gabeesh?)
Hippo: Bitty
Horse: Papi
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Melba
Lion: Leopold
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Petri
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Blanche
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Maggie
Rabbit: Carmen
Rhino: Azalea
Sheep: Stella or Timbra
Squirrel: Ione or Marshal
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Dobie (because he's my island grandpa)

I was so happy when they added some of the older villagers from past games, such as Weber (who has been my favorite since the Animal Crossing GameCube), June (who I've always wanted but couldn't get because I didn't have a GBA), and Azalea (who is super cute!).
I really love some of the new additions, such as Marlo. As I was decorating Marlo's vacation home, I kept saying to myself, "on this, the day of my daughter's wedding", and "gabeesh" (his catchphrase). It's so fun to pronounce his name like they would in the mafia movies ('Here's my li'l fren Mahlo").
Alligator: Alfonso
Anteater: Cyrano
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Midge
Bull: T-Bone
Cat: Tabby
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Barold
Deer: Deirdre
Dog: Mac
Duck: Pate
Eagle: Amelia
Elephant: Opal
Frog: Jambette
Goat: Billy
Gorilla: Cesar
Hamster: Rodney
Hippo: Bubbles
Horse: Peaches
Kangaroo: Astrid
Koala: Ozzie
Lion: Bud
Monkey: Deli
Mouse: Samson
Octopus: Octavion
Ostrich: Queenie
Penguin: Hopper
Pig: Cobb
Rabbit: Pippy
Rhino: Tank
Sheep: Cashmere
Squirrel: Nibbles
Tiger: Rowan
Wolf: Kyle
I just need to say here that I think poor Frita is underrated. I know I'm biased because she's on my island but she is my FAVORITE! OMG, folks, she is the cutest and so funny!!! How is she not everyone's favorite sheep???

Okay, now that I have that out of way (LOL), I can focus on the question at hand. (ahem - lol)

Alligator: Gayle & Roswell
Anteater: Annalisa
Bear: Pinky (she's on my island, so I how could I not pick her? She's adorable!)
Bird: Midge
Bull: T-Bone (so sophisticated!)
Cat: Tangy, Purrl
Chicken: Becky
Cow: Tipper and Norma (tie)
Cub: Judy and Maple
Deer: They're all great but if I HAVE to pick only ONE favorite, I guess I would have to pick Deirdre, Fauna, and Beau. Hey, that's as close to one as I can get!
Dog: I love all of them!! But maybe Cherry, and bones or Biskit. (I love Cookie too!)
Duck: Molly, Ketchup
Eagle: Celia
Elephant: Chai
Frog: Cousteau
Goat: Nan
Gorilla: Rilla
Hamster: Apple
Hippo: Hippeux
Horse: Cleo
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Gonzo
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Simon
Mouse: Samson
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Flora
Penguin: Roald (aka Pablo from Backyardigans)
Pig: Pigs are super cute. Fav is Hugh though.
Rabbit: Ruby
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: FRITA! Etoile is a close second because, have you seen her??? She's ADORABLE amirite???
Squirrel: Poppy
Tiger: Bangle
Wolf: Another cute category but I have to go with the little old man, Dobie.
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Just going to say that there is going to be more than one villager for some of these species because it's too hard too pick. :3

Alligator: Alfonso (Also number one fave villager) and Roswell
Anteater: Zoe
Bear: Teddy
Bird: Piper
Bull: Stu
Cat: Rosie
Chicken: Plucky
Cow: Norma
Cub: Bluebear and Judy
Deer: Diana and Erik
Dog: Cookie
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Chai and Ellie
Frog: Lily and Jeremiah
Goat: Sherb
Gorilla: Hans
Hamster: Flurry and Hamphery
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Papi and Julian
Kangaroo: Kitt
Koala: Melba
Lion: Rex
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Petri
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Julia
Penguin: Sprinkle
Pig: Lucy
Rabbit: Bunnie and Sasha
Rhino: Azalea
Sheep: Etoile and Eunice
Squirrel: Sylvana and Ione
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Wolfgang and Skye
Alligator: Roswell, with Gayle as an honorable mention. I've never had an alligator before but she looks cute.
Anteater: Zoe is my favorite, hands-down. Annalisa is a runner-up.
Bear: BEARDO! I adore Beardo and wish he was more popular.
Bird: Jacques. Cute little hipster bird. Gave him a vinyl record store on my island. I also like Piper. She was so sweet to me in GC.
Bull: Rodeo. I had him briefly andhe was great.
Cat: Monique. She recently moved off my island after sticking with me for the longest time, and my heart actually broke. Raymond, Kabuki, Bob, Purrl, Olivia, Stinky, Kid Cat, Lolly, Merry...so many more. I actually love all the cats.
Chicken: Goose and Ken. I also liked Betty back in the day.
Cow: Tipper and Norma are both pretty cool.
Cub: Olive or Stitches. If Aisle was still around, I'd pick them though.
Deer: Erik or Zell. Chelsea was also really cute, but I've never had her because I don't collect Sanrio amiibos.
Dog: Mac and Shep are neck-and-neck for me, but Lucky is also great.
Duck: Gloria.
Eagle: Maybe Avery or Sterling?
Elephant: Chai, Tia, Big Top, and Elly are all cute, but the cutest is probably Tucker. Also the green snooty one. I can't remember her name.
Frog: Gigi and Diva. Lily is cute too. Also, anyone remember Sunny? I liked her.
Goat: Pashmina, with Sherb as a close second. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I also love Velma a lot.
Gorilla: Rilla. If I see anyone being mean to Rilla I'll go insane.
Hamster: Y'all are sleeping on CLAY!
Hippo: HIppeaux's design cracks me up. Also like Bitty.
Horse: Savannah, maybe? idk
Kangaroo: Maybe Mathilda or one of the male ones? I don't care for the kangaroos much, but I was attached to some of the old ones too.
Koala: Alice is my favorite, but her saying "guvnor" annoyed me so much I kicked her off my island. Melba is sweet too.
Lion: I actually like all the lions. Aziz was my old favorite, but on New Horizons, it'd have to be Lionel with his big silly mustache or Mott, my current jock.
Monkey: Elise. She strikes a "so ugly she's cute" chord with me. But Tiansheng also looks cute.
Mouse: Bella, where have you been, loca?
Octopus: Zucker! He's been my favorite Lazy ever since he moved in.
Ostrich: Cranston. Had him in my New Leaf village and wonder how he's doing these days.
Penguin: Boomer, but I feel like he should be a cranky like Hopper. Iggy's permanent eye-roll scores points though.
Pig: Agnes probably. I've never had her though.
Rabbit: I like a lot of the rabbits, but I'd have to say Coco, maybe Pippy or Carmen. Although Tiffany and Sasha are growing on me.
Rhino: Tank. He was in my first ever save file on GC Animal Crossing. A real stand-up guy.
Sheep: Muffy by far! Goth lolita sheep? Golden.
Squirrel: Marshal, but Hazel is also good. And Ione GLOWS IN THE DARK!!!
Tiger: I like them all. Tybalt was my first ever Tiger villager in GC, but Rolf and Bangle are also wonderful. Claudia looks cute too.
Wolf: Dobie is my favorite villager of all-time! Points to Wolfgang and Kyle though.
what a great question, this could take me awhile to figure out..

  • alligator: Drago, i think his design is super unique and really interesting!
  • anteater: Olaf. i dont like anteaters and i tend to never have them on my island though..
  • bear: Tutu has a very simple and clean design, but similar to anteaters i dont like bears.
  • bird: Piper but birds are my all time least favourite animal.
  • bull: Angus. S+ tier name.
  • cat: Lolly. shes just a classic and i remember as a child having her on the gamecube version of animal crossing.
  • chicken: Egbert. another S+ tier name.
  • cow: Tipper!! yet another S+ tier name, alongside a great visual. tipper is usually always on my island.
  • cub: this one is really hard, but i have to say Maple. Judy is a very strong second.
  • deer: Erik has a very unique visual to me with his horns, and I want to have him on my island one day!
  • dog: Goldie. Just a very classic design and I love golden retrievers!
  • duck: Molly. very very very cute.
  • eagle: apollo. another classic design but i dont like eagles.
  • elephant: very hard battle between Ellie and Tia.I tend to prefer more "natural" villagers so Ellie probably wins here, but Tia is a very beautiful design.
  • frog: Lily! I usually avoid frogs, but if Lily came to my island I don't think I would be very upset!
  • goat: Chevre. Im a sucker for freckles...
  • gorilla: another animal type i never willingly have on my island, but i have to say Boone.
  • hamster: MARLO!! as soon as i saw his design i fell in love!
  • hippo: Biff, but i really dislike Hippos.
  • horse: Elmer. Another solid S+ tier name.
  • kangaroo: WORST animals. I guess Marcie.
  • koala: Melba!! One day she will come to my island :)
  • lion: another animal type i dont usually go for on my island, i would say Rex is very cute.
  • monkey: i hated all monkeys until i saw Tiansheng. Legendary monkey villager with the perfect visual and personality type.
  • mouse: hated all mice until Petri came out. as someone with a science degree she instantly became S+ tier.
  • octopus: special shoutout to Zucker. he seemed to always have a place on my island as my resident lazy bones until I somewhere along the way decided he didnt fit in anymore. Perfect for food themed islands tho..
  • ostrich: genuinely forgot this was even a type of animal tbh. blanche!
  • penguin: sprinkle S+ tier.
  • pig: Lucy but i dont like pig villagers.
  • rabbit: in new leaf i had a full rabbit villager theme. dotty is the best one :)
  • rhino: merengue, another food themed villager. one day I will have a food themed island...
  • sheep: eunice is so pretty but her name is not good IMO.
  • squirrel: blaire is sooo cute.
  • tiger: rolf. what a great design!
  • wolf: this one is really hard between Fang and Vivian, but I would say Vivian.
going through the list of the villagers made me remember some that I had forgotten previously!
oh god i never realised quite how many different species there were until scrolling through these comments! here goes nothing
alligator: probably drago? he's the only one i've ever really had, although boots is cute
anteater: anabelle
bear: ursala!! or megan, they're both super cute
bird: piper
bull: stu
cat: lolly!
chicken: plucky
cow: norma
cub: olive, although i have fond past memories of maple through the years
deer: beau for sure, absolutely fell in love with him when he moved to my island
dog: bea
duck: molly
eagle: apollo
elephant: either ellie or chai!
frog: tie between jeremiah and tad (i didn't mean to have this many ties oops)
goat: sherb
gorilla: rilla
hamster: now this one is arguably rigged because Rodney is my favourite villager ever, but honestly there isn't a hamster i don't like - they're probably my favourite species!
hippo: bertha
horse: reneigh
kangaroo: carrie
koala: ozzie!! another one of my faves
lion: rex
monkey: flip
mouse: bree
octopus: zucker, although marina is a close second (sorry octavian. ironically he's the only one currently on my island)
ostrich: flora (i feel it's important to note phil is absolute bottom of the barrel here ever since he was my first forced campsite villager and refused to leave)
penguin: sprinkle or roald
pig: agnes
rabbit: hopkins or dotty
rhino: hornsby
sheep: etoile
squirrel: another one of my fave species - probably sylvana or poppy, closely followed by ione
tiger: bangle or rolf
wolf: dobie! closely followed by fang
Alligator: Definitely Del! (Dreamy)
Anteater: I never loved the anteater species but I gotta say Annalisa.
Bear: Groucho (love him!)
Bird: Twiggy without a doubt. (Dreamy)
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: The one and only: Bob! (Top 3 favorites, as well as my dreamy. obviously)
Chicken: Goose
Cow: Gotta be honest, I hate all of them lol.
Cub: Pekoe is so cute!!
Deer: Beau (dreamy)
Dog: Lucky
Duck: Only one I really like are Molly and Ketchup, but Ketchup takes the cake.
Eagle: Sterling all the way!
Elephant: Tia
Frog: Raddle (another dreamy)
Goat: Pashmina
Gorilla: They all freak me out except Cesar.
Hamster: Marlo
Hippo: Same situation with the gorillas, o only like Bubbles.
Horse: Roscoe
Kangaroo: Walt
Koala: Yuka
Lion: Elvis
Monkey: Nana
Mouse: Chadder (dreamy)
Octopus: Zucker (also a dreamy)
Ostrich: Cranston (almost a dreamy)
Penguin: Roald
Pig: Rasher (just recently found him on an nook miles island)
Rabbit: Genji
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Willow (honorable mention for a dreamy)
Squirrel: Caroline (Dreamy)
Tiger: Bianca
Wolf: Freya (favorite villager of all)