Favorite villager


Apr 10, 2020
Who's your favorite villager? Mine is Wolfgang and Raymond they are my babies because they remind me of my animals that have at home. 😊
my favourites in NH are judy, raymond and katt
but my favourite overall is wolf link, i love his design and smug villagers are super entertaining lol

i also love bea because she reminds me of my childhood dog, cookie ♡
I guess for me, number one would be Audie, two would be either Judy or Marshal
But of ones I don't have, its maple and Maddie
mine is definitely lolly !!! i also really love diana <3
beau was my all time fave, but i got tired of him (;-; ) since i had him in every town/island ive had before this one and i wanted fresh faces
There's so many villagers I love, but my top four has to be the ones in my signature: Bones, Kyle, Felicity and Eugene. I just think they're really neat, fun to draw and have sentimental value to me. 😄
Hard to narrow it but if I had to pick one probably Rasher. I know a lot of people think he's ugly but that just makes me like him more. Plus his facial expressions really pop and he was one of the first villagers to give me his photo. So, yeah he needs more love.


Hard to narrow it but if I had to pick one probably Rasher. I know a lot of people think he's ugly but that just makes me like him more. Plus his facial expressions really pop and he was one of the first villagers to give me his photo. So, yeah he needs more love.

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aw rasher's one of my sister's favourites (she likes him and hazel)
i love his colours, he is such an amazing villager ♡
out of the few i've had a chance to meet so far, lobo and octavian are taking the cake for me 🖤 i would favor the grumpy villagers
Currently it's Del and Tybalt. Del is such a cute cranky alligator and I like that he's a softy at heart. He's always so nice to me. :) And for Tybalt I think he's funny. He's a jock with a heart of gold and I feel like he'd have my back no matter what.
hi! my favorites are fuchsia and judy! itwas always fuchsia but with judy introduced in nh i fell in love with her too! i always dedicate such a huge area to her too :’) i do miss wolf link tho i really hope they let us have those amiibo villagers again! i love seeing people’s favorite villagers it’s so fun : )


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My favorites in NH are Olivia and Ellie. I used to love Curt in WW, but I haven’t had him on my island yet so I don’t know if he’ll still be a favorite.
Since Wild World, I have always loved Marina! I know she's a little basic and uber-popular now, but she has always been my favorite :)