Favorite villager

Out of the villagers I have, Static is my favorite.

Reneigh is probably second. She's so pretty.

Kiki and Lolly are two of my dreamies I'm still searching for.
hoo boy. honestly, i have way too many favourites to list but right now, i am loving sprinkle! she’s my latest move-in and also one of my dreamies and i just,, love her so, so much. :’)

Tough question, but probably either Filbert or Kyle!
i love genji!! so much!! i don't know why but i got him in new leaf i believe and i became instantly attached to him. i just love everything about him, he's such a great villager
Poncho was my favorite on GameCube, and we actually named our cat after him growing up. Poncho (our cat) had a human soul, the sweetest orange baby. 😻

So he’s still my fav char for nostalgia, but I’m also really liking Zell now, and Cousteau.

I want some female favs though!! Purrl, Bianca and/or Skye.
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my favourites in NH are judy, raymond and katt
but my favourite overall is wolf link, i love his design and smug villagers are super entertaining lol

i also love bea because she reminds me of my childhood dog, cookie ♡
Bea’s super sweet, aww!
My favourite villager has always been Whitney. It is a close call though as I have always had Julian in my town also so it is pretty level but Whitney just wins 💜
I think my favorite recently has been Lucky. I have him on my island and he’s been on my island the longest out of all of my villagers. I also really like Puddles, I got her more recently but I think she’s adorable. Honorable mentions for me are Whitney (ever since I saw the animal crossing movie-yes I know her name was Bianca in it), Kiki, Poppy, and Bruce because we share the same birthday
My favourite is Elmer. It used to be Papi but then Elmer came along in one of my towns in NL and I was like "Um where have YOU been?" Second would be Marina; the octopus is just so adorable :)
*insert random extremely popular, basic, and perfect villager here*

Lol, just kidding. My 3 favourites are Ike, Derwin and Shari. I have a lot of favourites but these are my top 3.Cranky and sisterly are my favourite personalities.

I share a birthday with Derwin, and he’s adorable. Shari was one of the first villagers I ever met in Pocket Camp, and she’s cute and also really nice too. Ike’s really sweet, even though he’s a cranky villager. Also, HE’S A DAD.
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Honestly I really love Cube, Stitches and Raymond.

But I’ve just found Avery right now and I’ve known him for like 2 minutes. But I really like him?

Idk I feel like all the villagers on my island are cool and that I couldn’t exactly choose just one 😭😭

There are so many villagers I love but my favourite is Fauna, in general I really like a lot of the deer villagers but I think Fauna is really cute and her colour scheme and big deer ears have always reminded me off an AC version of Eevee. Other favourite species off mine are dogs and wolfs, especially Bea, Cookie and Wolfgang, though unfortunately none are on my island atm.
Out of the new ACNH villagers I have Judy, Sherb and Raymond, wasn't sure I'd like Judy and Raymond at first but I love all three of them now and they've become fast favourites off mine.
I actually love a lot of villagers too, but my absolute favourite is Coco! Had her back in Wild World and I have nothing but love for her since, I really hope to finally find her on a villager hunt soon! Some other favourites of mine are Stitches (whose amiibo card I own!!), Lucky, Kyle, Skye, Dobie, Tybalt, Punchy, Moe, Raddle... I should probably stop counting lol I have many favourites, but Coco is at the very top of my list!
My top 3 (current) favourite villagers are:
1. Drago: My boy from NL. Plus, he is a dragon. You cant get any better than that.
2. Phoebe: She was my uchi in NL and now in NH. Her design is my favourite out of all the uchis, and uchi is my favourite female personality.
3. Erik: My first lazy villager in NH and still on my island. I love his moose design and he goes great with the landscape.
Limberg is my favorite. He was a random move in and I kick myself for letting him go. I didn't like him at first, but he is the only villager that I had a bit of a story for, and of all the animals that have come and gone, he is the only one I wish I would have kept. If I ever get him again, he will not be leaving.
I love Marshal, Raymond, and Antonio. I didnt like Raymond at first, but he grew on me. Marshal is just adorable. And Antonio is hilarious - by far my favorite jock. Him talking about his abs while eating chocolate covered doughnuts is too much lmao 😂