Favorite villager

Antonio and Audie. Antonio walks around with a chocolate donut and a bushy tail who is soooo cute and Audie is cute as well.
yyeeesss, thank you! I feel like Antonio is so under appreciated! I love Audie too, I have her also! Had to, since I'm Fox...even though I know she's technically a wolf lol
Cesar!! ❤ I love his mustache and his facial expressions. I’d rather delete my island than move him out.

Felyne and Etoile from the special characters in New Leaf are by far my favourites - they're adorable. But my favourite main villager is probably Bob. He's always been my favourite :]
Dom has really grown on me recently. I used to really dislike him, but now I see why he's so popular. His design is very unique and he one of the very few jock villagers I like :)
Anyone who's ever seen me post on here won't be surprised to see my fave is Rodney! but in NH the wolves have really grown on me, particularly Fang, and I also absolutely love Beau. and Olive.
mine is definitely lolly !!! i also really love diana <3
beau was my all time fave, but i got tired of him (;-; ) since i had him in every town/island ive had before this one and i wanted fresh faces
Yes. Lolly all the way
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Lolly is probably my favorite, but if not lolly then I'd have to say Stella- because she's just so cute!!! I dont have Stella or Lolly atm though ;-; . . .
Before NH, Egbert was my fave villager of all time. I find him to be so cute and hilarious, and nostalgia from my first CF town helps fuel my love for him as my first friend in the game.
HOWEVER, post-NH, Julia has captivated me beyond belief. She's gorgeous, refined, a gay icon, a super unique design, she's the moment, never takes a bad picture, queen of all the birds bird who has really come around as my fave villager in this game<3
Tia, Apple and Merengue have always been some of my favourite villagers. I find it really hard to pick one villager in particular haha
Pierce, had him in my first town on gamecube and he was my best friend. He lived in the top right corner of the map next to a river. I love how dependable he feels and awake and alert. He is so cute. I love him ♡
Mine is Stitches, has been since I played WW. ❤️ I know he’s crazy-popular, but he’s just so special to me!
#1 Punchy since Wild World.

Some other favorites
Mitzi, Rudy, Carmen, Ankha, Wolf Link (Discontinued 😢)
Annalise and Reneigh. I'm really into horses this time around, which is a surprise to me as I was never into them in prior AC games.
Tangy the peppy cat is my favorite villager. She used to live on my town back in Animal Crossing New Leaf, but since I haven't played that game for a very long time, she moved out and another villager had taken her place. She's very kind especially when I first spoke to her, plus I'm a fan of her fruit-inspired interior of her home.
Kyle was my favorite in New leaf but now feels really different...idk why. Punchy is now my new favorite!
I'm attached to punchy, kyle, static and stella the most.
It's gotta be Colton. He's been on all my islands and I'm always happy to interact with him.
My favorite villager is lucky, but I also like Dotty, Dom, and Renee. They make me so happy to see them on my Island.
I love a lot of villagers, but Stella has been my favorite since I met her in pocket camp! c: I also love all of the villagers on my island/in my signature.
I have to say my favorite villager is Dom. I do love all the squirrel villagers because I love squirrels anyways though.