Favorite villagers in lower teirs?

I'm not sure what tiers these are in... These two just never seem to be talked about. ^^:
I love Eunice and Sydney. They're both normal types and well.. THEYRE SO SWEET. I have Eunice at the moment and I lov her. I imagine her and muffy are BFFs because theyre both sheeps XD
I like Twiggy and Marcie a lot, and they're both tier 5. Twiggy especially is hilarious sometimes.
Do I have to pick just one? There are tons of good ones. Rodeo, Big Top, Astrid, victoria, there are tons of em.
I really really really love Lyman. Just looking at him makes me smile, I wish I had him so badly. Seems like I can't find him anywhere.
Aurora, Agnes and Bones are all awesome villagers, I can't understand why they're not at least tier 3
Bella, Savannah and POPPY! She's tier 3 i think?? but still shame she's not tier 1. Bella is adorbs! And so is Bree~
Tier 3: Bruce/Lobo/Pekoe
Tier 4: Ribbot/Daisy
Tier 5: Nan/Caroline

I really like the low tier normals ;v;
I really like Chrissy! though I've also gotten attached to Margie :eek: I'd probably dig Julian tho cause canon gay horse.
Apple is so awesome!!! Although I don't see many other people who want her... :/
I love Baabara so so much, I reset the game 114 to get her owo I think she is in the lowest tier.
Egbert is my fave ever, and apparently he in tier 5. welp.
(I never even knew about this tier nonsense until I joined these forums)
my favorite might be Avery from tier 5. ;v; i want him so bad...