My only complaint at the moment (and this will never change) is that there are no cross-gen evolutions in the generation, and this was the generation which basically stopped that happening.
Don't you think it was the overload and poor reception to the cross-generation evolutions in Generation IV stopped it and Generation V was the result? (I'm assuming we aren't counting Sylveon in Generation VI because it's an Eeveelution and seemed to be there to really sell the new Fairy type.)
Although actually now that I think about it, Generations I-IV were all based in Japan right? Then America, France and Hawaii in Generations V-VII. Are we not getting cross-gen evolutions because the current regions are too far away from each other in the Pokemon World to have any related links? Even though other than in Pokemon Black/White older Generation Pokemon appear in the newer Generation games. So who knows?
I love this little blob so much, ever since I ran into one in Route 110 in Emerald, I knew it was my favorite Pok?mon. I love that my little blob is getting a little bit more attention in relation to merchandise and appearances (the Volcanion movie specifically). I just love a bunch of the simple, circular pokemon.
Simipour is my favorite Pokemon of all time but everyone and their mother thinks he's ugly or too "feminine" for the male to female ratio, which I personally think is bull.
I'm not sure if houndoom is actually unpopular, but in most of my friend groups, everyone seems to hate my poor bab?
most of the time it's because he has 'bad stats' but I've never really cared about that lol
regardless, houndoom is my sweet bab and I love him lol