Favourite Flavour of Milkshake?

I love salted caramel or cookies and cream. I love ice cream so much any flavor will do really haha
I like banana or orange cream milkshakes. If we’re talking about out flavors of the standard three (vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry), I’m going to go with vanilla.
I'm going to have to go with chocolate milkshake too lol, it just tastes sooooo good and strawberry milkshake is good as well but chocolate is my most favorite flavor of milkshake.
I haven't had a milkshake in forever, so I can't really say I have a favorite flavour, but iirc the last milkshake I had was an Oreo milkshake roughly 7-8 years ago and I really enjoyed it, so maybe that flavour is my favorite, idk. I think in general all of the "basic" flavours, like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are good as well.
I know it's super common but... chocolate. Chocolate is just so good, man. You can't go wrong.
I do love a marshmallow milkshake. I really want one now. Or vanilla, that could work too :3

What's your favourite? If you like milkshakes, that is.

My favourite flavour of milk, ice cream and milkshake is strawberry! I have some strawberry milk once or twice a weak, and hot chocolate some nights. The best strawberry chocolate i've tasted is a Dutch chocolate called Chocoloney and it comes in a pink wrapper with popping candy inside.
Caramel, cookie dough, or good ol' vanilla. I have a huge sweet tooth and love most kinds of milkshakes, but those are my favorites.
Chocolate or strawberry! I'm not picky though, a milkshake is my favorite way to enjoy ice cream, so I like just about any flavor. But it has to have whipped cream (and no gross medicine-tasting cherry).
The best milkshake in the world is marshmallow flavored with a lot of strawberry syrup and chocolate chips. The sweeter, the better.
Cookies and cream, by far, although chocolate is the next best thing. I haven't had a milkshake in forever, though, just because they're sort of... calorically intimidating? Like, I don't usually have a problem with that sort of thing, I'll go out and get a bacon cheeseburger and a beer without really putting too much thought into it, but seeing how much ice cream goes into a milkshake turned me off on them, for whatever reason. I think maybe because a milkshake feels like a drink, but it's filling.
I can’t drink just a plain vanilla milkshake, that’s weird to me. xD
I love chocolate or Oreo milkshakes!
Cookies & Cream milkshakes are the best. About a mile from me is a Habit Burger and a Shake Shack, and they both have c&c milkshakes. 😭
For the most basic one, it's chocolate!
However, a Restaurant near us has Oreo + Speculoos.. GODLIKE 🤩