Pokémon Favourite move in Pokemon?


✰ 𝚃𝙾𝙶𝙴&#120
Aug 25, 2014
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Blue Mote of Flame
From any generation, Z-moves are allowed. The name of your favourite move and an explanation would be good!

I'll start:

Z-Splash because raising your attack by 3 stages with Splash is pretty hilarious!
Draco Meteor since my favorite is still dragon types (Naganadel <3).
Earthquake. Not only is it a powerful ground move which is a good attacking type, but it can be learned by almost any decent physical attacker. It's one of the most versatile moves in the game.
Solar beam 'v'
It's pretty fun to use 120 base power attacks every turn when running a drought/sunny day team www

(And earthquake is great too ^^)
I like Ice Beam. Most of my favorite moves are Ice Type moves.

But my favorite non-Ice Type move is Power Gem. Beautiful!
My favorite move is probably Seed Bomb. The Grass type is one of my favorite types and my two favorite Pok?mon, Cacturne and Gourgeist, are both Grass types and can use the move. It's fairly strong with not much downside. The reason I became fond of the move initially is, in the years before we saw the debut of Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist, Cacnea was the closest thing we had to a jack-o'-lantern based on its face. The design of Cacnea and Cacturne, combined with the orange shiny coloration, let me imagine that they were pumpkin creatures instead of cacti and the seeds used in Seed Bomb could be pumpkin seeds. Now that we actually have an official jack-o'-lantern evolutionary line, I like thinking back to those days and still like it due to my silly headcanon.


Honorable mentions go to:

- Trick-or-Treat, because as you probably gathered from the previous paragraph, I've always been fond of Halloween and I just love that there is a move in the series now that makes reference to it. I don't like it as much as Seed Bomb since, while the effect is cool, it doesn't deal damage.

- Dynamic Punch, because Machamp is one of my other favorite Pok?mon and Dynamic Punch, when used in combination with the No Guard Ability, means the move never misses, has 100 power, and confuses the opponent on impact.

- Leech Life, now that it received that enormous boost in power in Gen VII to 80 power.

- Psychic Fangs. I just like the idea of it and would like to see it on more Pok?mon in the future.
I guess it would be Moonblast and Thunderbolt. :)
Aeroblast, or literally anything introduced in Gen 2 for nostalgia sake. Plus the OG gen 2 animation was super cool, or so I thought heh.
My favourite moves are psychic, shadow ball and surf!
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I like Ice Beam. Most of my favorite moves are Ice Type moves.

But my favorite non-Ice Type move is Power Gem. Beautiful!

My favourite is ice beam as well. :blush:

Dates back to Yellow where I would annihilate everything with an over-levelled Articuno. It was just such an aesthetically pleasing move even way back then.