Favourite removed villagers


Used to love this guy on my Animal Crossing Gamecube version! :/ Wonder why they took him out?

AZIZ - the only jock i'll ever really truly luv.
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Champ, was a Awesome villager. Not sure why they removed him. lame move if you ask me.
rhoda is really cool in my opinion. also dobie. i don't know why they removed some of these villagers to be honest, they're really nice.
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I would really like to see Claude again. He's one of my favorite villagers in the GC version and I
was already happy, that he was in Happy Home Designer. I hope that he comes back one day
again as an villiager for your town in a new AC game.

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A other villager, which I also like to see in a new AC game, is Pierre. Even if I never played the AC
where he appeared, I really like him. Like Claude I wish that he would also come back as an villager.
I would definitely want him then in my town. Also I think that he and Pietro would be a nice pairing
(like "the mime and his clown friend" :blush:).
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Hank the chicken and Emerald the frog would be my top two. I'd also like to see Chico the mouse again. I used to love going into his house and dancing to K.K. Faire.
Pretty much all the villagers that were pulled from the data in ACHHD are good but also:

Champ the monkey
Boris the pig
Sue E. the pig
Ketchup the dick
Dozer the bear
Isako the cow
Bessie the cow
Oxford the bull
Hank the chicken
Betty the chicken
Rollo the hippo
Clara the hippo
Dobie and Tarou. We need at least 10 wolves please. Either that or male Wolves that aren't Cranky. Still <3 you Wolfgang
Stella and Leigh! They're super duper cute!

Stella.gif Leigh.gif

Maybe Leigh got removed because her design could be perceived as offensive by some people? She lived in my gamecube town back when I was younger and she lived right near the houses. :) I miss her.
I miss Stella too! Her design is really nice. :)
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Rio the bird just found out she's retired. I love Latin stuff so she was cool but she looks too similar to Phoebe.