Favourite Switch games?

My Top 3:
1. Pokémon Sword (will be replaced by Legends Arceus no doubt): As a long time Pokémon fan, it has to be #1, sorry TBT
2. ACNH: Sort of obvious. The game is still only a year old so there's hope for more good stuff
3. Paper Mario (will be replaced by Monster Hunter this month)

And that's it! I always plan on getting BoTW but I always forget. Maybe I'll wait and get BoTW2 instead.
Currently: Animal Crossing New Horizon
Soon: Monster Hunter Rise

I'll still play Animal Crossing daily, though.
Oh this is so tricky! I have such a tough time picking favourites but I'll try. These are in no particular order because that would just make things harder.

-Animal Crossing New Horizons: This is a no brainer. The game isn't perfect and I haven't been shy about voicing my complaints, lol. But as a whole I do love the game and even more I love the community so it has to be on my list. I play it almost daily!

-Rune Factory 4 Special: Aaah this game is so cute! I put off buying it on my 3DS for a while because I thought it was ugly, lol. Then I was bummed when I missed getting a physical copy. When I heard about it getting released on the Switch I made sure to pre-order - I was even able to get the special edition! It is honestly so charming and delightful to play. It may not be as pretty as some other games but it more than makes up for that with gameplay and story. I'm so excited for Rune Factory 5!

-Dragon Quest Builders 2: This is such a time sink for me. Definitely the kind of game I can start playing when the sun is out and not realize how much time has gone by until I see the moon, lol. I love how it has some creativity to it but it's not a total sandbox experience. I appreciate being guided sometimes! It's not too hard or anything even though there are enemies, which is really nice to see.

-Super Mario Odyssey: I absolutely adore this game. I think they did such a good job and I had so much fun playing through it the first time. It looks so pretty, I love dressing up Mario, the worlds all have their own charm, and I appreciate how I get to explore the worlds without a timer. I also love that the bosses aren't too hard, lol. I was able to beat the game all on my own and I'm pretty bad at video games so that was nice!

-Deemo: This is a rhythm game and I really enjoy it. I had it on my phone but all the in app purchases made me sad, lol. On the Switch though all the songs are automatically included and I find it easier to play with the buttons! The songs are so pretty and the art is gorgeous. It's not terribly complicated either which again, is something I enjoy.

-Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon: Aah I love this game too! I love it so much especially around October or anytime I really miss Halloween. In terms of charm I've always found Luigi to be the more charismatic brother vs Mario and that definitely shows in this game. It looks beautiful, too!

-Spiritfarer: I still haven't finished this one because the last time I played it made me cry, lol. But it is such a beautiful game. As long as you're okay with playing a game about death I wholeheartedly recommend it because it is such a lovely experience.

Some smaller games I also love include Roki, A Short Hike, Forgotton Anne (yes with two O's, lol), Wandersong, and of course Stardew Valley!
My personal favorites are:
- Breath of the Wild
- Animal Crossing New Horizons
- Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
- Splatoon 2

I would highly recommend Clubhouse Games as it's a pretty well made switch game for $40 and is nice to play in between other games. It also has a huge variety of different worldwide games to offer too!
I really enjoy Animal Crossing New Horizons and Rayman Legends Definitive Edition!! :)
Animal Crossing New Horizons and Breath of the Wild are definitely two of my faves, but I also really loved The World Ends With You Final Remix! It was one of my first games for the switch, and I had an absolute blast with it! It's a really fun RPG with a really cool story and characters, and a sequel for it was recently announced, and it's got an upcoming anime adaption and I'm really excited about both. cx

And then another recent favorite have been Fire Emblem Three Houses, which is really cool and I've been playing a ton lately, there's a lot you can do do it and I find the combat really enjoyable, and the characters are just fantastic, I think!! I'm still working through the story, but it's been really interesting so far, and there's an absolute ton of replay ability with its different story lines and the characters you can romance.

I would also recommend the first chapter of Deltarune! It's free and even though it's just the first part of what is going to be a larger game, it's really really good! It's also got really great characters and it's just really fun to play honestly (and while I don't have it on the switch, I would absolutely recommend Undertale to anyone! Deltarune isn't exactly a sequel to it, but they're kind of alternate realities of each other with some of the characters and the settings, and I love both to pieces.)
Other than Animal Crossing my favorite Switch game is Splatoon 2. I still play it fairly often.
listed my from favorite to half favorite

Bayonetta 2 n 1
Splatoon 2
God Eater 3
Super Mario 3D All Stars

And those are just the games l'm more into for now but MHGU and Bayonetta will always be in that spot. I have more switch games but these are the ones that are higher on the list. Might change in the future.
i'd say my top 3 switch games as of right now are:

1.) legend of zelda breath of the wild, my beloved
2.) rune factory 4 special, my other beloved
3.) the undertale port! because i am very bad at pc gaming so playing on my pro controller makes the game which i already love a lot a lot easier :')

there are a bunch of others i like to various degrees (the twewy port, mario odyssey, sos: fomt, spla2n, acnh of course, fe3h etc. etc. ) but that's my top 3 for now! 😌
I’m going to be super unoriginal and say I love Animal Crossing: New Horizons. That game is the only reason I have a Switch. I would recommend Mario Kart 8. I played it on the Wii U and it’s a great game. Unfortunately, I no longer play Mario Kart.
My favorite Switch games are:
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu, Pokémon Sword
Lego Harry Potter
Stardew Valley
Graveyard Keeper
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
People have already mentioned a lot of great games here, but I'd like to mention Forager. It has elements of Stardew Valley and Zelda, which you mentioned enjoying, though it's not really the same kind of game as either of them. At its core, it's all about gathering things to craft things to gather more things and craft more things, while also occasionally exploring small dungeons and fighting bosses. It's super charming and addictive, and I love it.

I also really liked Katamari Damacy Reroll. It's a remake, so it's possible you played it before, but I never had a system that it was on until the Switch, so it was new to me. You roll a ball around picking up common household objects to make the ball bigger until you can pick up really big stuff. Like, seriously big. It has a crazy sense of humor and a catchy soundtrack.

And the last one I'll mention that I didn't see mentioned here already is Death Road to Canada. The premise is hilariously bizarre: take the basic concept of the old Oregon Trail games, but instead of going west to colonize America, it's modern times, and you're driving north to Canada to escape the zombie apocalypse. It shifts back and forth between traveling segments where you make choices to determine how little events play out and action segments where you go through zombie infested buildings in search of supplies to salvage. It's another one with a quirky sense of humor. It's also different every time you play it, you never know what crazy characters you'll run into.
1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Super Mario 3D All Stars
3. Donkey Kong Country Topical Freeze
4. Super Mario Maker 2
5. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu
6. Animal Crossing New Horizons
- Exclusives -

Splatoon 2. It's the only game here that I don't have any real 'buts' about. It's just a solid game that I come back to regularly just to have a few matches because it's always fun. The single player campaign is also brilliant, as is the Octo Expansion, and I feel like they stepped it up with Marina and Pearl in terms of giving the games mascots some actual personality (as well as giving Calli and Marie some more personality). Best of all, it's an experience I can only get from Splatoon. The only other game that does what Splatoon 2 does is Splatoon 1.

Pokemon Shield. Regardless of how lazy the game feels and the absolute opinion that Game Freak could have done better (well, maybe I don't think Game Freak could do better... but Pokemon deserves better), I still loved playing it. It felt different in many ways to previous games and seemingly like it leaned a bit more into the absurdity and fantasy of the world, whether that be the Pokeball head guy, Gyms being soccer themed, the beautiful glowy mushroom area or that absolutely banging gym battle theme (made even better when you gigamax and the crowd chants along). I also felt it had a stronger lineup of new Pokemon for me, where I usually only like a very small handful of new additions.

Mario Odyssey. Just a brilliant platformer. I do sit on the opinion that there were far too many moons which made the base game a tad too easy, but it doesn't cancel out the sheer fun of the game and the tightness of the plethora of mechanics you're given to play around with.

Fire Emblem Three Houses. Narratively it isn't my favorite FE game at all, but the cast!? Also not my favorite actually, generally I found the characters a bit bland and often irritating...But the game itself? I had a lot of reservations with the changes made and whilst I DO think the default difficulty was too easy (never before have I gotten to the end of a FE with no deaths...And no resets) and that whole castle/school thing can go away, the mechanics of the core game were just pure fun. It's definitely a game I'll pick up time after time just to have fun with the gameplay, which is the best I can hope for with a game.

- Honorable mention -
Monster Hunter Rise. It's only an honorable mention as it's still sat waiting to be played as I promised my partner we would play it together. That said, even having not played it, every Monster Hunter game has been one of [if not, my overall] favorite game for every console that's had a release of it.

- Wii U ports -

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. This is just a masterclass of 2D platforming. Challenging BUT absolutely fair, I've never failed and felt like it wasn't entirely my fault. The art design is also superb, especially with the level design with each level telling a narrative through their backgrounds and obstacles.
It saddens me that the recent Donkey Kong games haven't earned more success in comparison to something like the """new""" Super Mario Bros games which in comparison feel extremely sterile, lacking and devoid of the typical Nintendo 'pizazz'.

Xenoblade Chronicles. Definitely one of my overall favorite RPG's. The mechanics are fun and unique, the art design is memorable, there isn't a single character I would sell my soul for the chance to kick their teeth in (rare for a JRPG). The definitive edition solves the one issue I had with the original though in that I couldn't play it for more than an hour with the Wii's blurry video output giving me migraines.

Mario Kart 8. It's just more Mario Kart, ain't it. Does what you expect.
ACNH and Super Mario 3D World/Bowsers Fury.

I really wanted to play Splatoon 2, cuz I love those kind of games and the art style/concept is really cool to me. But I feel like if I got it, I'd be way behind everyone else, so I'm planning to preorder Splatoon 3 so I'll be on top of my game! I like Pokemon Sword a lot, but not enough for it to be considered a favorite. I still love usum way more. I'm EXTREMELY excited for Pokemon Legends: Arceus, though.