Alligator: Alfonso, classic vibes, plus he was in the actual AC movie so I have that extra bit of nostalgia for him as well.
Anteater: Anabelle, I like her coloring and the fact that she kind of looks like a pangolin or armadillo with the scales on her back.
Bear: Megan, super cute and underrated<3<3<3
Bird: Piper, though it's close between her, Jacques, and Sparro. I had Piper in the first AC game, love everything from her name, to her design, to her personality. She reminds me of a canary bird or a Bali Mynah with her white feathers.
Bull: None, really not a fan of any of the bull villagers.
Cat: Olivia, another underrated queen<3
Chicken: Egbert, my og buddy from the CF, I still think he's probs my fave villager of all time, not only for nostalgia's sake but also because I love his facial expressions and coloring. Becky, Ava, and Benedict are also great chickens as well.
Cow: None, see bulls.
Cub: Chester, cute (kinda creepy) panda boi ftw<3
Deer: Deirdre, so many great designs for the deer, but I've always loved Deirdre's autumn vibes. And given that she's sisterly, it makes her stand out even MORE because she's part of a handful of sisterly villagers that I actually like.
Dog: Cherry, 'nuff said.
Duck: Mallary, another original villager I had in my first ever town in CF, great memories, simple but really elegant design.
Eagle: Pierce, I love how regal both him and his house are despite being a jock type, he's really fun and simple.
Elephant: Tia, teapot elephant can't be cuter<3
Frog: Henry, another really simple but cute design. He was my BFF in NL and he looks even cuter in NH.
Goat: Sherb, he's definitely worth the hype. His design and choice of color is just sublime, not to mention that he looks so dopey and innocent.
Gorilla: Hans, I always love villagers that are grouped into a species but are designed to be something else. Hans is a gorilla, but he's designed to be a yeti or abominable snowman and I think it works really well.
Hamster: Soleil, another underrated queen<3
Hippo: None, I had so many hippos follow me around in the gamecube version. Just not a fan of their designs and that extra fact made me dislike them immensely.
Horse: Roscoe, Papi and Reneigh are really great as well, but I love Roscoe's design. He's one of the only villagers, in my opinion, that can pull off the red eyes.
Kangaroo: None, not as bad as the bulls or the hippos, but none of them really stick out to me.
Koala: Lyman is really underrated and really cute. I like his lucky clover theming.
Lion: Rory, Didn't used to like him or any of the lions honestly, but after I realized he was designed around a Chinese lion, he grew on me a lot. His design is actually very clever and interesting.
Monkey: Nana, cute ice climber monkey is cute, but you could pick almost any of the monkeys for me, since they're all super underrated imo.
Mouse: Chadder, from the name to his cheesy design, I can't help but not fall in love with this guy!
Octopus: Zucker, obvious pick but he's one of my faves from NL, and his takoyaki design is on point.
Ostrich: Julia, because of her design and because she super grew on me in NH, but you could pick almost any of the ostriches out and I would still call them my favorite. So many great and unique designs.
Penguin: Cube, cute gamecube penguin is cute. End of story.
Pig: Agnes, similar to Roscoe or Piper, I really like villagers that are all white or all black in their colors. The pigs as a whole are kinda meh, but Agnes is super cute and definitely carries them.
Rabbit: Tiffany, before NH I probs would have said Cole, but Tiffany glowed UP in NH and I have to give credit where credit is due. She's a really well-designed villager, especially for her personality type.
Rhino: Spike, another villager I had in gamecube, was so excited when he was reintroduced in Welcome Amiibo. Punk Rock Rhino is da best<3
Sheep: None, not a fan, especially without their scarves.
Squirrel: Mint, name, coloring, and design are all great. She's just a really pretty villager.
Tiger: Bianca, love this snow leopard print princess<3
Wolf: Dobie, hard choice between him and Skye, but I love his old man-ness to pieces.