1. Cranky they are the sweetest, and I like their "grumpy man with heart of gold" vibe.
Like family & a teacher at the same time. Someone you can admire.
2. Sporty. (I don't call them jocks, because real life jocks are jerks.) These guys are just the weirdest, cute, sweet little things & they make me laugh the most.
I think they are the funniest & very affectionate. Their obsession with working out 24/7 & patrolling areas is hilarious. Too cute! I really, really, like these guys.
They are the best friend you could ask for.
3. Smug. I'd say they were the most thoughtful & some of the best conversations. Very charming. A valentine!
They can occasionally be shallow. They are a contradiction, romantic, weird, emotionally complex..yet this personality is always trying to rip me off & can be a bit to fashion obsessed.
But I love them. They really did create awesome adorable male character here, and even if they annoy you sometimes, you love them anyway--so the formula works.
4. Uchi! These guys would be higher up if it weren't for the fact some of their blunt comments really hurt my feelings. However they are the most creative, quirky, and lovely females.
Like the smugs, they are a contradiction & very engaging for similar reasons.
They are the most human I'd say.
5. Lazy These guys used to be #1 but after playing for a while you soon find their letters & conversation is the most limited.
I do find them funny & very cute, but if you play over a year...these guys run out of steam. Where as smugs constantly have new dialog, lazies just talk about food.
It's funny at first, but the joke wore off over time & I liked them less.
6. Snooty They can be sweet & motherly. I like them. I find them classy & balance out the town.
They aren't as interesting or funny as the types above though.
7. Nice The are sweet, but my issue with them is conversation can be bland. I like them, but usually one in town is enough.
8. Peppy. I LOVE TANGY & RUBY!
But besides that I actually found many to be bratty & self centered. Sure there are some very cute Peppy types, but in general I don't really like them.
Tangy however is the sweetest girl in town and my BFF! She is very caring towards me, but I think an exception to the rule.