February Update 1.8.0 Now Available!

Does anyone know if the mushroom platforms can be used in any way besides decoration? Like if you put one next to a cliff, can you jump on top of it?
I got the items early and I must say the clothes are quite adorable, all of them play a cheerful mario bros theme when you put them on and the superstar is animated, it constantly spins around and it plays a superstar theme remix when you press A on it going much faster and brighter. Also if anyone is wondering as silly as it is (cause I did myself!) If you have one pipe in your island only, it sends you right back after the animation lol! (Yes, it is kinda dumb, but I tried so out of pure curiosity)


just look at how cute the outfit looks on the villager
Does anyone know if the mushroom platforms can be used in any way besides decoration? Like if you put one next to a cliff, can you jump on top of it?
I am really hoping that we can use them to jump down from a cliff by using both mushroom platform sizes... and because they are called platforms.
I love the two japanese items we can buy! Irish items will be very good as well, but for the Mario ones... boarf, I don't know, I've never been a very big fan of Mario, I don't play these games and don't like them, so... I don't really care. I understand why people could enjoy them, but it's not my case. They don't match my island theme, I would have prefered more 'common' items. I'm not sure I'll even buy one of them.

Very excited for the next update though. Very curious! Maybe finally a good new, who knows? The return of some features we had in previous games!
I'm really confused how they'd be able to speculate about the date of the next update based on the local game files, but it's interesting to know. 🤔

I tried asking how it was determined but I haven't gotten an answer yet.

Just a shot in the dark, but if Bunny Day is April 4, and the hunt starts 10 days earlier (March 25), then Nintendo would need to update the game on March 24th at the latest.