That was my fault! Using a different dock causes my switch to sleep. Generating new code!Oh no, we got a connection error! I'm sorry if that was me?!
I'd love to pop back in if that's okay. Did my muumuu save to your catalogue?
Thank you I am on my way.That was my fault! Using a different dock causes my switch to sleep. Generating new code!
Post automatically merged:
New code up top! Welcome @Kindra @Elvenmilk
Got the cataloging part. Is there a Dodo code or through your switch id?Yes, I have an open slot for you! Do you have any questions about cataloging?
The DODO code is visible up top! See you soon!Got the cataloging part. Is there a Dodo code or through your switch id?
Guess I better make sure to check back daily until you close. Thanks again for hosting!Heck yeah! New stuff everyday!
That is, until I give up and close this Sunday.