Item Dump FILL YOUR POCKETS from this ex-catalog island! [FREE]

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Hi!! I just noticed that I forgot to catalogue the surfboards somehow 😭 Would you mind if I come over again? Sorry for the trouble! I'd also love to catalogue the claw-foot tubs, mini-fridges and deluxe washers, if possible! <3
Hi!! I just noticed that I forgot to catalogue the surfboards somehow 😭 Would you mind if I come over again? Sorry for the trouble! I'd also love to catalogue the claw-foot tubs, mini-fridges and deluxe washers, if possible! <3
I'm staging the items! Gimme 20 minutes. The blue deluxe washer is missing, so that'll have to come tomorrow!
Thank you so much for doing this! I would love to come fill up my slots. Is there a rule about leaving and returning?

Correcting my post, I just remembered cataloging doesn't use slots. Yay
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I’d like to come catalog also. If your open thats is. Otherwise no problem!
Btw do you still need these items from your wishlist: Mixer (Kiwifruit), Study Desk (Dark brown) and Treadmill (White)? I can bring them to you!
Open for business! Come on in @Nayu @TxAnt @Lt.Savior
There are no rules for going multiple rounds. This is free for all. Just let me know when you're done so I can revoke your access and let someone else in.

Today's change log:
19JAN2021: tankless toilets, changing rooms, piano benches, climbing walls, claw-foot tubs, mini-fridges; added telescope and an essay set to the mini-study area
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Btw do you still need these items from your wishlist: Mixer (Kiwifruit), Study Desk (Dark brown) and Treadmill (White)? I can bring them to you!
Yes, I do need those items!
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