Item Dump FILL YOUR POCKETS from this ex-catalog island! [FREE]

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Hiya, would love to visit sometime. Would you be interested in the complete sets of den chairs, Camping cots, double sofas, and cypress bath tubs? I have them in storage from a previous catalogue event I had. They are yours if you want them :)
Hiya, would love to visit sometime. Would you be interested in the complete sets of den chairs, Camping cots, double sofas, and cypress bath tubs? I have them in storage from a previous catalogue event I had. They are yours if you want them :)
Absolutely! I'll take anything! ❤
Flying in :) I won't have time to catalogue this time 😢 but going to drop the sets (minus the sofas, only had 6 in storage, but bringing complete picnic baskets instead)
Thanks to @SandiBeaches, the island now includes all variants of the cypress bathtub, den chair, picnic basket, and camping cot!
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I’d like to come again and I can donate all 3 colors of Old Sewing Machine if you want them. 🙃
Hello! I came over yesterday I think (not very good at keeping track of time haha) but I was wondering if I could please come over again to catalogue your new editions? I'm working from home though so I won't be very chatty lol 😅
Hello! I came over yesterday I think (not very good at keeping track of time haha) but I was wondering if I could please come over again to catalogue your new editions? I'm working from home though so I won't be very chatty lol 😅
No chats necessary! I'm "at work" and also chatting in ac is such a chore...
Hi, are you still available? I would like to visit, please.

Also, I have a grand piano in black.
@Rairu 04JAN2021: added Antique sets in brown, black, and natural; moved music players, added plants; added old sewing machines, double sofas, box corner sofas, box sofas, lanterns. grand pianos
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