X is easily in my top 3 along with IX and VI. There's very little I would criticise about it, the only things springing to mind being that some of the ultimate weapons have ridiculous quest requirements, a few of the minigames being a bit clunky and frustrating as well as a certain 'trail' being so god damn tedious and frustrating
(possibly Behamut, not 100% sure).
X-2 I'm really half and half with. There's a LOT I dislike about it, mostly in the writing, the "where they are now" for characters and basically Yuna feeling like a try hard copycat of Rikku
(so, writing I guess). I just overall thought this was such a boring story and even the characters I liked in X were really uninteresting to me in this one...Except Rikku, Rikku will always be X/X-2 bae.
On the other hand, it has one of if not my favourite battle system in Final Fantasy. I love the job system the original FF games had that basically got canned in favour of premade characters after the first couple of games. Bringing back the job system and creating the dress sphere's for it so that you can switch into any job on the fly is just perfection. Not to mention the ATB mechanic in this one where if you get it right you can do things like stunlock enemies or delay/interrupt their attacks...Oh, and quite simply, I absolutely loved getting a new dress sphere and anticipating what the girls would look like in it, some of them being really cool designs.
I'll be fair and say there's a couple of fun bits in the story. The massage thing thing was weird, the mascot quest was at best an amusing idea and I do love the intro cinematic...I still overall hate it though.
I think if I opt for a Switch copy of this I'll get it digitally though.
For one, if X-2 comes digitally anyway then I may as well get the entire thing digitally rather than have a cartridge with half the content.
Secondly, I already own the collectors edition of X/X-2 HD on PS3. I still have copies of the games on the PS2. I've got the Steam versions. If I'm buying them a fourth time, I really don't need another box taking up room...That doesn't even have both games in it.
I don't know. I decided to get Final Fantasy VII and I will see if it sparks interest in the franchise for me further. I did own FFX on the PS2, but I got stuck on a boss ridiculously early in the game. lol
It's something to keep in mind that all the Final Fantasy games are different from each other. FFVII is probably the most popular
(I'm not a fan) but it's also very different in its setting than any of the previous games, as well as most of the follow ups
(VIII, XIII and XV probably being the closest to VII's 'style').
At any rate, VII, IX and X seem to be the ones that I usually see as the 'best to start with' games, so it's not a bad choice either.