Finding Villagers Who Aren’t Home


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2021
Hi! I’m playing ACNH right now and I am trying to give gifts to all of my favorite villagers. Unfortunately, I cannot find Deirdre or Alfonso ANYWHERE today and I am so frustrated!!! Any advice? I checked my whole museum but naturally, if they are walking while I am there, I could still leave without realizing they’re in there somewhere. I even checked the bloody airport. Ugh!!! And other animal’s houses, too. Please help. 😞
Sometimes, I'll find the fossil section empty the first time I check it but if I go back again, when I'm exiting, the missing villager will appear in the 1st chamber of the fossil section.
Sometimes after I've run around in circles for ages only to find that pesky final villager or two have continued to elude me, I'll just log out and log back in to reload everyone's location.

Usually with enough patience I eventually find everyone without bothering with that, but every now and then for whatever reason I just can't or don't want to keep searching. If you're at the point where you're actually getting frustrated then this seems like a good solution:)
Thanks everyone! I’ve found Alfonso so far. He was shopping at Nook’s Cranny when I searched there for the third time. 😆 Probably gonna log out and log back in for Deirdre now. I’ve been bopping in and out of the fossil section, but so far no luck!
I suggest saving then restarting the game. The villagers who are outside will shuffle so you can find the missing ones easier.

This method is faster that trying to explore the whole island, entering each villager's homes, shops and searching them within the museum.
I suggest saving then restarting the game. The villagers who are outside will shuffle so you can find the missing ones easier.

This method is faster that trying to explore the whole island, entering each villager's homes, shops and searching them within the museum.
Thanks!! I still had to search a bit after reloading, but not for too long. She was on one of the beaches this time around. 😊
More than once I've looked everywhere, unable to find someone, and only after seeing that another animal who was previously outside has now gone home, I discovered the animal I was looking for was visiting their house.
Oh boy thats one of the more annoying parts of the villagers is trying to find them when they are not home. Most times the can be in other villagers homes, in the shops, or probably the worst place the Museum because its so big with a lot of rooms.

Now I have a big island and I made sure every area was opened so I can explore easily to locate where villagers were so I have a good chance of locating them. However, because this game is so RNG villagers can end up being in places you won't even think of. Like for example I was looking for Raymond and then I found him behind the Resident Services.
More than once I've looked everywhere, unable to find someone, and only after seeing that another animal who was previously outside has now gone home, I discovered the animal I was looking for was visiting their house. the villager visited their friend’s house when his friend wasn’t even home?! 😂 That’s kind of hilarious lmao...