Hey guys 10/10 im starting this on the 20th so if your post isn't done, it won't be for the auction and that'll be sad. ;v;
So.. basically I'm gonna start it whether posts are done or not??
lol sorry guys I have some real stuff to do on the 24th so sigh.
Hey guys.
I'm startign this today!
I'm gonna open it for bidding at 5PM MDT
4PM in california- vegas
5PM colorado, utah, etc
6PM texas and up
7PM east coast
12AM UK time sorry utopia
hhheyyyyy guyssss
you know what i just realized??
that I totally have a dentist appointment at 4:30PM MDT today and i'm getting 3 cavities done and wont be here at 5.
so, can someone at 5PM MDT post in the auction thread to let people know it's open??
I have everything set up so it will function without me for a few hours.