Fire Emblem Fates General Discussion: Filled with Nohrian Scum

So nnohr has the Inigo, owain, and severa lookalikes, and hoshido has redhead tharja. cool

Wait there is a Tharja look alike? I was only aware of the others

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wait.... Garon is playable in both routes?
And Mikoto?
I'm hoping outrealm shenanigans. Time travel does make me uneasy, but as long as things are explained properly, I'll be good.
Yeah. It wouldn't be quite so bad if they were more...different. Even their personalities seem similar.

I'm still hoping it's them in disguise or something so that it's not quite as weird. I'm also not a fan of Inigo so I hope this one's better written, or I'm not using him. 8(
Yeah. It wouldn't be quite so bad if they were more...different. Even their personalities seem similar.

I'm still hoping it's them in disguise or something so that it's not quite as weird. I'm also not a fan of Inigo so I hope this one's better written, or I'm not using him. 8(
I mean, Odin has some differences in personality. And we cant say anything for the second Tharja (at least I havent seen any personality things). But yeah. It being them in disguise would be cooler
I want a Limited Edition FEF New 3DS XL. Woah that's a mouthful. A bravely second one would be even better!!!
Since marriage is now confirmed, who do you WISH to marry?
I adore Aqua, so if possible, her.
Also, apparently Corrin's blade blows up and Mikoto sacrifices herself; does anyone know about this?
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Since marriage is now confirmed, who do you WISH to marry?
I adore Aqua, so if possible, her.
Also, apparently Corrin's blade blows up and Mikoto sacrifices herself; does anyone know about this?

T/subakiiii *u* And Joker/Jacob. And Takumi. And the green-haired ninja. And when I do Nohr I the archer guy that has the same JAP voice as Lon'qu, I think.

...Guess I'm gonna be doing a lot of playthroughs X'DDD
T/subakiiii *u* And Joker/Jacob. And Takumi. And the green-haired ninja. And when I do Nohr I the archer guy that has the same JAP voice as Lon'qu, I think.

...Guess I'm gonna be doing a lot of playthroughs X'DDD

It was on Reddit, so I'm not sure of it's legitimacy..
But if it was true, it would suck.. ;-;
It was on Reddit, so I'm not sure of it's legitimacy..
But if it was true, it would suck.. ;-;

I say screw it; the game hasn't even come out in freaking Japan yet, you can't screwball something like that unless Nintendo announced it, and how silly of an announcement would that be? "Oh, btw, people, spoiler alert to all of you since none of you have played the game yet, buuut..." >~>;

Or maybe I'm wrong. idk, that just feels silly to me.

Pieri. Or whatever her name is

Ohhh, is that her name? She looks interesting c: Really feels like she stands out though with her hair pink and blue x'D
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Yeah. It wouldn't be quite so bad if they were more...different. Even their personalities seem similar.

I'm still hoping it's them in disguise or something so that it's not quite as weird. I'm also not a fan of Inigo so I hope this one's better written, or I'm not using him. 8(

you're not the only one, i wasn't too keen on the father determining the child this time around just because i didn't wanna use the inigo clone, lol.

i think if they kept the clone limit at two it'd be a little more reasonable, maybe one for each side. but imo they're taking up space that could've been used on an original character.
It's like my latest play through of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Olivia and Virion are actually a really cute couple (she likes him before S-Support), and Virion makes crazy sense as Inigo's father, but Inigo himself is just so bland. Virion's a philanderer too but he's far more interesting. @~@

Maybe this clone will be better than the original Inigo but eh...