First ever villagers?

From Wild World, my first Animal Crossing game, the only starting villager I remember having is Bree. She moved out before long though, even though I tried to stop her.

I distinctly remember a few other villagers from my WW game. One is Aurora, who I absolutely adored. She stayed in my town for a good while, and gave me her picture. Naturally, I was distraught when she left.

A couple others I remember are Nan, who I quite liked, Peewee, who'd come from my brother's town and Tabby, who'd come from my cousin's town.
I can remember all my original gamecube villagers... Olivia, Biskit, Piper, Wolfgang, Axel, and Kiki I actually have a museum exhibit dedicated to them and in honor of Piper who didn't make the later games
I honestly have no idea because I got the game for my sister but was too excited and played but then she reset it, so I never really got to interact with them :p But in her town, which I still played in, I specifically remember Axel, Cookie, Stitches, Ruby and Elmer. I think Elmer and Ruby were there from the beginning.
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Mine were Kid Cat, Gayle, Greta, Papi, and Winnie. All four except Kid Cat moved out without telling me, but I'm going to try to keep Kid Cat because he's the last of the original 5, and just thinking about it brings a lot of nostalgia. Plus, I want to keep at least someone from the original five.
My first game was Wild World and my first villagers were Hopper, Puddles, and Mint. I'm still fond of all three of them, even though I don't have any of them now.
I played wild world when I was at elementary school, I only rmb I got Stitch as I hate him so much that I want him go so badly, haha! Now I am in uni, I feel old right now.
I remember having Bluebear, Whitney, Aurora, Big Top, and Rocket.
That was good town~
AC GC...I remember having Spork, Tangy, and Chevre. Chevre was my best friend. She had a nice house right by the waterfall and an orange tree right outside...ahhh. Spork grossed me out but never moved out. Tangy I wanted to befriend, but just couldn't. I can't recall who else I had, but I'm sure if I looked at a list I would remember.
i dont remember my starters 100% but frobert, jitters, peaches, appollo, miranda, tangy and prince have been in my city folk town since very very early days
in my gamecube town I had peanut, butch, bob, freya and roald. I still have a weird attachment to these characters (only cause they're the first villagers ive ever had) so whenever I see them up for auction or something I'll take them no questions asked lol.
City Folk was my first ever AC game, and I remember having mitzi, kid cat, amelia and bones!
My first AC ever was New Leaf few years after release (late to the party) and my 1st villagers that I still have/somehow remember were Chrissy (rabbit), Aurora (penguin), Tammy (cub), Nate (bear), Roscoe (horse), Hippeux (hippo), Bertha (hippo), Hamlet (hamster) and Claudia (tiger), and Wendy (sheep) was 10th. I was kinda "blessed" (sarcasm) with hippos, althought I liked Hipeux :p
My first ever villagers in new leaf were:


I still have my original Jitters (I've since restarted my first town)
And I had Hamphrey but lost him to the void...but I got a new one...let's just say he is the same one so I don't cry LOL
My first villagers from City Folk were Bluebear, Sydney, Broccolo, Jitters, Gloria, and Butch.
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In my GameCube version. I remember having Chief, Rex, Bob, Kiki, Rhoda, Bitty, and Chuck.