First snow fall

I haven't gotten any snow yet on my island! Still waiting~
Isabelle announced that we had our first snow on the 27th but I haven’t actually seen any snow yet. I normally check in at 10ish so I guess the day she announced the first snow fall it was sometime earlier in the morning.
Isabelle announced that we had our first snow on the 27th but I haven’t actually seen any snow yet. I normally check in at 10ish so I guess the day she announced the first snow fall it was sometime earlier in the morning.

this happened to me as well, but when i signed back on to do some moozying around later in the day, it started snowing again so i was still able to experience my first snow fall of the season 🖤
I saw my first snow yesterday! It was very pretty, and seeing my villagers all bundled up for the weather was cute. Now that we're in December, I'm excited to see the ground, trees, and whatnot looking more winter-y, as well. 😊
I had my first snowfall when I turned the game on this morning. I was surprised to see my villagers bundled up. The snow was kind of pretty but I discovered it waters flowers like a rain. Not a fan of that idea. Don't want a flower population explosion. 🌻
I had snow yesterday evening. My villagers were all wearing cute hats. ❤
I was a little annoyed though that it watered my flowers and I had to run around this morning to dig up all the new buds.

OMG. I didn't realize that snow counted as watering the flowers. I love the snow variations on the hourly music but this definitely puts a damper on my enjoyment of it. ;P
I had my first snow a few days ago but it wasn’t until midday! Just hopped on today and saw that Nooks and Resident Services has changed too, I’m so excited to experience a snowy island for the first time ❤️
I have finally got snow 😍 it looks so pretty 😊 hopefully it will get heavier over the next few days and will begin to lie on the ground 💜
I have no idea when mine is gonna come... And I suck at collecting information about the weather patterns on my island (other than what I've been able to gather through my screenshots with the timestamps on them). I just hope it's soon because, where I live, there's virtually no snow! (Of course, if you drive up north, there's usually plenty. And I'll be going on a trip up there soon on the weekend of my birthday, so I'll be seeing snow either way~)
I have the worst weather seed and I won't see any snow until December 9th! :c I can't wait to see my villagers in their little knit hats.
Snow was announced today but I haven't seen it yet, it was super foggy this morning though! I'm hoping when I get back on later today it will be snowing!
I have the worst weather seed and I won't see any snow until December 9th! :c I can't wait to see my villagers in their little knit hats.
Oh wow, that seems really late to me. Especially seeing as how the Day of the Snowstorm as I like to call it happens for everybody on the 10th. And then there's snow on the ground starting the 11th. So for you, it's like you only get a couple days of cold before there's snow everywhere? No gradual weather? That's such sadness.
It’s snowing! When I opened the game this morning at 9 Isabelle said we’d had our first snow and I was worried I’d missed it! Luckily it’s snowing again right now and I’m so happy 🥰
I haven’t seen any snow yet. 😔
Isabelle had mentioned it a few days ago but it has yet to show up. I have however started seeing winter clothing at Ables. Melba and Whitney look so cute in there festive tree dresses
I finally got my first snowfall today! Isabelle didn't announce it or anything. But I am glad it finally happened.

I also loved the change of music. :)
Yess i love it so much! I love the music too and the slight misty vibe!
I cant wait for the 10th and 11th when snow really kicks in :)
I haven't had snowfall yet, but I had a friend who did. It looks beautiful! Makes me very excited to see the snow on the ground in a couple days :)
My first snow fall was on December 2nd at 4pm. It stopped pretty much after 😅

I then had another on the 4th but it was stormy snow. Like highly windy but snowy. But I did get slightly spooked since all my villagers are wearing hats now, with Raymond and Stitches ears just disappearing.
It has snowed three times on my island since December 1st. Kind of annoying that it waters the flowers. Always have to spend the next day fixing it. When does the ground turn completely into snow? Also- when are we going to start see holiday DIYs and ornaments popping up? It's Dec. 6th already. I am sure I'll end up not getting a lot of the holiday DIYs just like the Maple DIYs. Super said I never got the big autumn decorative tree DIY. :(