Fishing Tourney without a resident services?


Acnl addict
Aug 7, 2015
October Birthstone (Opal)
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
The fishing tourney is this Saturday. If I restart my town this Thursday, without TTing, the resident services will not be upgraded from the tent. Does this mean the fishing tourney will still take place, resident services upgraded or not?
i don’t believe so. i might be wrong but i don’t think that any events will take place without the upgraded resident services.
Nope, I think CJ/Flick don't even show up on your island until RS upgrades. Also with events etc.
I definitely missed a fishing tourney when my Resident Services wasn't built enough yet back in April. I think my island was four days old on that day. So starting on Thursday won't have yours ready yet for Saturday.
i don’t believe so. i might be wrong but i don’t think that any events will take place without the upgraded resident services.

Somebody shared a screenshot a couple weeks ago showing that Toy Day can be done before the upgrade. So we know that one should take place at least.
i don’t believe so. i might be wrong but i don’t think that any events will take place without the upgraded resident services.
Halloween can be done before the upgrade because I did it on my second island when RS was a tent and I only had my 2 starting villagers.

But yeah I think the fishing and bug tourneys need the plaza. I didn’t see Flick or CJ before the upgrade.
Definitely not! When I started, the weekend after was a fishing tourney. My friends had been playing for a week or two and had the tourney with the upgraded resident services. Back on my island the tourney never took place since mine was a tent. If you’re going to restart, tt, upgrade resident services and then go back to current time. If you just restart I’m positive there will be no tourney. Hope that helps!!