Fish's Line of Sigs

Fanghorn said:
These are so good.*drools* Your becoming one good sig maker.


i'm hoping to get really good with photoshop, so i can transfer that over into bryce and make my own textures.
whoa... your sigs ARE really good!
mine all... well sorta suck >_<
yours are good for gimp... i couldn't do anything with gimp. >_>

i'm so glad i finally got photoshop though... i can use it on Bryce. : D

soon i'll be making brushless sigs, or, more important... filterless sigs.

Nice sigs Fish. You're a good artist, better than anything I could do. I especially like some of the fonts you pick, they always seem to match the theme of the sig perfectly. :yes:

why cant i stop making things like this?

anyway, yeah, i've taken a "break" from making "sigs" and i'm working on an uber project in Bryce... i'm making a castle.


i'll totally show it off when i'm done, its going to look pretty.

now if i could just find the right textures... >_>

yay for renders that take an hour to cut. : D

yeah, i finally made an X-men sig... and its for the coolest character too. : D
You know, I kinda think that these sigs are a reflection of who you are, not just picturing a render.

"Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter."

-William W. Woollcott
:yes: Yeah,'re awesome at sig-making! I like the last two mini-sigs, and the koopa one your using now.