There is a big battle going on between Plague and Light this week. Adult prices are already 15k in the AH and hatchlings are almost 7k right now. If you have dragons you're selling, it's a good idea to name them yourself. Once a dragon is out of your lair, you have no say in what happens to it, and we're exalting everything we can get our hands on at an alarming pace. If you're selling dragons you don't want to see exalted right away, I suggest either raising their prices, preferrably over 20 or 25k, or taking them out of the AH entirely until the end of the week (through rollover on Saturday night).
Want to make some money?
If you're not in Plague or Light and want to train some dragons, you can sell them for a lot of money here:
Plague Buy + Other Plague Buy
Light Buy
Do you like raffles?
If raffles are you thing, then these are for you! We're both offering a Light Sprite as our top prize, as well as a TON of other drool-worthy prizes!
Light Raffle
Plague Raffle
go plague!! also if you want art/adoptables, light is doing foddart and plague is doing adomtables (i think that's what they're called)! it's a great way to give support to a flight and get some art in return ^^