Florida, yay!

SPORGE27 said:
Shadow_] [quote="SPORGE27 said:
Shadow_] [quote="SPORGE27 said:
Markos96 said:
I LIVE in Florida peoples.
Well I get snow sometimes

I just like traveling.
Well, I live in a province with two seasons.

An eleven-month winter and July.
wait... I didn't know you were Canadian...
Where have you been for the last year? [/quote]
umm not in a thread where you said you were from Canadia? [/quote]
>.< I had a Newfie flag as an avatar for a month, always talked about Newfoundland, and I'm titled "Mr. Canadian" in the Archives.
[quote="Shadow_] There, a userbar. Don't forget it. [/quote]
a little late for that I know now


and I never knew the flag for newfoundland... like you know what the flag of Illinois is without looking it up.... heck that is the only state flag I really know... and I know the Chicago flag better
