Flossing: do you bother?


Hello Chaps
Jul 1, 2013
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Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
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I've got the dentist tomorrow so I'm upping my brush time and buying premium products to avoid a hefty price on a 'work needs doing' slip tomorrow, but the one thing she often gets out is the scaler - a pointed tool used to scrape tartar from between your teeth pegs!

Tartar can be avoided by flossing out those bits of apple peel between your teeth shortly after enjoying a crunchy pink lady, but my question today is: do you bother?

Flossing for me is a very time consuming process. I have floss on my bathroom shelf and use it occasionally, but working your fingers and flavoured string between those molars can be a right kurfuffle. I only really bother with the incisors and canines. Armed with my baking soda infused toothpaste I am struggling to get a small amount of tartar from between lower left canine/inscisor but what good will floss do now less than 48 hours from a penalty

So simply put: do you bother with flossing, or is your day already busy as it is so you don't bother?
I've got the dentist tomorrow so I'm upping my brush time and buying premium products to avoid a hefty price on a 'work needs doing' slip tomorrow, but the one thing she often gets out is the scaler - a pointed tool used to scrape tartar from between your teeth pegs!

Tartar can be avoided by flossing out those bits of apple peel between your teeth shortly after enjoying a crunchy pink lady, but my question today is: do you bother?

Flossing for me is a very time consuming process. I have floss on my bathroom shelf and use it occasionally, but working your fingers and flavoured string between those molars can be a right kurfuffle. I only really bother with the incisors and canines. Armed with my baking soda infused toothpaste I am struggling to get a small amount of tartar from between lower left canine/inscisor but what good will floss do now less than 48 hours from a penalty

So simply put: do you bother with flossing, or is your day already busy as it is so you don't bother?

I don't bother. My days are too busy generally for stuff like that, and besides, I brush my teeth two-to-three times a day anyway. Speaking of, I just ate, so I'm going to go brush them now.

I do plan on doing whitening strips soon (not that they are not already pretty white), and I'm getting invisilines on my bottom feeders in order to make everything look good.
I don't bother. My days are too busy generally for stuff like that, and besides, I brush my teeth two-to-three times a day anyway. Speaking of, I just ate, so I'm going to go brush them now.

I do plan on doing whitening strips soon (not that they are not already pretty white), and I'm getting invisilines on my bottom feeders in order to make everything look good.

My teeth are white but the dentist has a sixth sense
Last time I had a filling I couldn't see anything wrong lol
White teeth are nice, hope you get the smile you deserve :)
My teeth are white but the dentist has a sixth sense
Last time I had a filling I couldn't see anything wrong lol
White teeth are nice, hope you get the smile you deserve :)

Thank you, haha. You too :D
wow i thought this meant the backpack boy flossing lmao

no i dont bother with anything lol
I've always flossed but was recently told that flossing wasn't as beneficial as dentist made it out to be. I believe I read in the article (i don't have a link but, a short google search is compelling) that it helps but your teeth won't rot out or you won't contract gum disease if you skip the flossing.

I still do it for good measure as it makes me feel a little better and the most effective and time efficient for me personally is floss every morning then brush in the shower and then repeat before bed. I have been going back and forth on the idea of getting a waterpik to use instead of tradtional floss.

If you're burshing regularly I don't think your dentist can say much because regular and good dental hygeine shows and they will notice.
I try my best and I've gotten a lot more regular with it, but even brushing my teeth once a day is a struggle because I have some mental health issues that mess with my energy and motivation, so brushing takes priority over flossing if I only have the energy for one or the other.
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Yes, I floss daily and as needed and Glide is my preference. I also highly recommend a sonicare toothbrush, you won’t even need whitening products, plus the glass charger is really cool. Then because I obviously enjoy my oral hygiene I’ve got a water pic but don’t use it too often, just those occasions when flossing isn’t enough. And I like to use mouthwash too.
Yes, I floss daily and as needed and Glide is my preference. I also highly recommend a sonicare toothbrush, you won’t even need whitening products, plus the glass charger is really cool. Then because I obviously enjoy my oral hygiene I’ve got a water pic but don’t use it too often, just those occasions when flossing isn’t enough. And I like to use mouthwash too.

yessss sonicare is where it's at

tell me about your waterpic because i've been thinking of getting one but i'm just unsure if i can enjoy it - i like to enjoy dental hygeine and idk they kinda seem like a carwash for your mouth

if there's lots of of pressure i feel like it would be weird feeling lol
To be honest, I'm quite lazy with flossing. I have braces, so it's a bit of a chore (for me, at least) to floss with them.

Even before I had my braces, though, I was still lazy at flossing my teeth.
For me it's really a pain, i have braces so the kind of floss i have to use is really annoying but i try to floss at least once a day
For me, the water pic is definitely nice to have but like I said, it doesn’t get used regularly so ya know, I have to dust it, rinse it off when I do use it... and it takes up a bit of counter space so maybe get one of the travel ones? And google the commercial because they say it’s more effective than flossing. I’m just super sensitive and can’t stand stuff in my teeth so it’s what I call bringing out the big guns if that helps.

Btw, the pressure isn’t an issue but be warned and make sure your water isn’t too cold and it would be a MUST for people with braces.
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!! I know it's a huge hassle (especially if your teeth are really close together like mine), but flossing is REALLY important!!! I hadn't gone to the dentist in a few years, but I was brushing and using mouthwash often enough, however, our family wasn't keeping floss in stock. When I finally went, they told me a I had... Uugh... 14 CAVITIES. Now, the word "novocaine," as well as anything that sounds even remotely similar to a dental drill, makes me really nervous and fidgety. Whether it's with the string-type stuff, a disposable flosser you hold in your hand, or the water ones, PLEASE remember to floss. It's annoying when the Dentist nags you to floss, but I've learned the hard way that they do know what they're talking about.
Nope. To me it's a pointless, time-consuming activity. My dentist is always on me about it but I just can't bring myself to do it.
I don't floss normally. Usually I do it when something gets stuck in my teeth and I can't get it out with a normal toothpick. Honestly I haven't even been to the dentist in about 10 years, so I probably have so many cavities at this point.
I personally don?t floss. I probably should, but if I get something in my teeth that I can?t get out, I generally just use a toothpick or brush my teeth again.
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I don't really floss in general, except when i get those mango hairs stuck in my teeth or something
Yeah, but I always forget it and I don't do it often rip teeth. I can't really floss properly either because I never got braces as a kid for some damn reason and my teeth looks like they got punched out and replaced by a kid putting them in place randomly.