Sprouts! I really hated sprouts as a kid, I'm talking like bean sprouts not brusselsprouts because I haven't really eaten them ever cause my mom hates them. But I love sprouts now. A lot of veggies I disliked as a child, cause you know I was a ****-baby and hated everything green, but I love broccoli now which I know for sure I hated.
Coleslaw! I loathed it as a child and hesitated for years to try it again, but coworkers at a restaurant I worked at convinced me to try a blue cheese variety that was our top requested side and I immediately fell in love. Now I love all kinds of coleslaw, but the one that converted me will always be my favorite.
Beans. I really like them in things like a chilly or a curry. I still can't stand baked beans though. They're so gross to me. Any other beans are good though.
Pea soup. I used to hate it when I was younger since I always got those really watery things but then I tried my bf's brother's take on it with more pork and rather a thick sauce/mash than watery thing with just small peas on it and now I kinda like it as long as it's thick and stuff and not watery.