he/she is the cutest kitten ever, does it have a name yet ?
Her name is Phi. The resident kitten who's nearing a year old named Pixel isn't too thrilled. Slowly introducing them.
he/she is the cutest kitten ever, does it have a name yet ?
Her name is Phi. The resident kitten who's nearing a year old named Pixel isn't too thrilled. Slowly introducing them.
Where's your Kitler mustache
Tiny fluffy baby says "Tom y u do dis"
Hey btw it's about to be day 6 in my game sooo can u start tonight/tomorrow ness bae <3
it's not day 6 yet it's ok your boyfriend ness will start soon
kit x ness = kiss
OOO: I approve of this ship
Wrong ship its Panda x Ness
Wrong ship its Panda x Ness
NO ! cut it out. his like my lil bro.
Okay guys, let's vote for starry because she won't be be online in the weekdays. So let's kill her before she gets the chance to post.