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Mafia Forest Fire Mafia - Town Win- Endgame

Lucanosa's reads:

Claiming doused and saved.

Brings up a good point, since it's impossible to know if Mintites lied about it, and instead a random inactive was doused, or if Minties was or wasn't doused.

Seems to be pushing for Dannyboi and Tom as arsonists, and isn't really bringing up any good facts. This is one of the few posts you actually contribute much to the game, besides a few where you back up this theory.

Doesn't care if they're lynched; if you're town why do you want lynched? Seems scummy to me, since it seems to me you're trying to make yourself look like you're a definite town by convincing everyone that you'll turn up town if lynched.

Just like Ayayayayayay you're trying to come off as an obvious townie, and doesn't bring up many strong points.

Explains the Ayayayayay's/Panda's scummy behavior

True; any scumleader in my mind would have enough sense in their mind to drop Dannyboi and let him die if he was actually scum. This makes me really believe that Ayayayayay/Panda are scum

Mafia can't douse their own kind; true. But mafia can lie about being doused, and they can lie about being saved.
You also haven't posted and contributed much that pushes anyone in any certain direction, and you were the first to claim doused, which makes me suspect you.

The things in bold make you seem scummier considering Tom's and Dannyboi's posts. Why would you wait to post your reads until people are online? If you were scum, you'd probably be having scum review them and perfecting them. Also, Panda agrees with you, and you continue to push the Dannyboi/Tom scum team.

So far, I'm seeing Minties as 50/50 town/scum; Tom, Dannyboi, Oath, and Trojan as townie; and Panda, Ayayayayay, and White Claw as most likely scum.

Dolby's posts:

I'm comparing Trundle's behavior between this game, as mafia, and as town in recent games
Game: Kissing to be Clever Role: Townie

In response to Forek voting for pillow bunny day one in that game

This game

In response to being voted for by m3ow

KTBC Role: Townie

This game

Game: Smash mafia Role: Mafia Roleblocker

Trundle seems to insult and write off people's posts as garbage as mafia. As town, he'll tend to explain why he thinks that people are town/mafia and why people shouldn't think that way

On why suspects are mafia
KTBC as townie

This game

Smash as mafia

And no points earlier on why Tom was scum

To sum it up, Trundle acts differently between being mafia and town. The thing that made people suspicious of him was his response to m3ow, which he handled similarly to how he normally does stuff as town.

And for Tom

Panda-Leaning red (Response to Ayaya's "case")
Trojan- How should I know, pancake king
Call me Daniel- (Slightly) Leaning Red
Tom-Leaning Town
Ayaya- weak town vibes
Lucanosa-Leaning Red (50/50 Minties suspicion. WTF)
m3ow-Prob Town
Trundle- Leaning Town
White Claw-???
Llama-Leaning Town

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't mind being lynched if it clears up my alignment, but why the **** would anybody douse Trojan? Even if they thought they were blue? Hunter's dead, there's no cop, and he doesn't scumhunt at all.
Honestly, you seem very sure that Trojan was actually doused, why is that?

Ok, seriously, assuming that Trojan was doused and I am scum in this scenario, why would I douse the player that shot the unlynchable on night one last game?

Finally someone who recognizes this possibility


I never said that, although it does make sense given the player count, here's the posts involved


This is still bugging me, why the **** would you be doused if you really are town?

All praise the extremely trustworthy Trojan-Jong-Un

I'm open to proving my townieness by being lynched tomorrow, but I'd prefer to lynch either Trojan, Panda, or one of the inactive people(White Claw, reyy, Jello, etc.)

Trojan claimed to be doused last night. I see no reason why he would have been doused. He shot the unlynchable on night one last game. He also doesn't attempt to scum hunt.

The inactives are just sliding by without contributing, and they will continue to slide by.

Panda hasn't been posting much. Actually no, that's inaccurate, she hasn't been posting much of value. I stand with oath on this, I am not sorting through 120 posts, many of which have little coherent logical structure to her accusations, or are just spam. She could have easily dissociated herself from the Starry lynch because she knew that Starry was town. What makes me more suspicious of her is that she felt that "case" of Ayaya accusing Daniel and Tom of being scum had valid reasoning.

Come to think of it, the arsonists could have doused Trojan to frame me
mother of all llamas??
Call me Daniel


Trojan Confirmed fairy, stumped
Trundle Confirmed townie


Only Ayaya, Tom, Daniel and myself voted for Dolby yesterday.

Voted Trundle:

mother of all llamas

To be honest, I believe that the rest of the scum is hiding among those that voted for Trundle. I'm still thinking 4 mafia here, so two left.

I would be keen on possibly Kit, Reyy, or Llama today.
mother of all llamas??
Call me Daniel


Trojan Confirmed fairy, stumped
Trundle Confirmed townie


Only Ayaya, Tom, Daniel and myself voted for Dolby yesterday.

Voted Trundle:

mother of all llamas

To be honest, I believe that the rest of the scum is hiding among those that voted for Trundle. I'm still thinking 4 mafia here, so two left.

I would be keen on possibly Kit, Reyy, or Llama today.

Llama is more scummy for just being useless, acknowledging their uselessness, and says they'll continue to be useless and bandwagon.
A few things

1. **** you all for suspecting me just because of the Trojan douse
2. I would have been able to vote day one if Ness used the day end time stated in the op
3. Where's my obs?
4. This game was really stacked towards town, you'll see the math in scum chat when this is over
A few things

1. **** you all for suspecting me just because of the Trojan douse
2. I would have been able to vote day one if Ness used the day end time stated in the op
3. Where's my obs?
4. This game was really stacked towards town, you'll see the math in scum chat when this is over

oh i agree with you on it being stacked towards town but we can discuss it after the game tbh
Kit hasn't provided any kind of read or list of any kind and has had a go at players for not making good ones, seems scummy, and might explain Ness's fondness for mafia since its his little moth or whatever the heck.
A few things

1. **** you all for suspecting me just because of the Trojan douse
2. I would have been able to vote day one if Ness used the day end time stated in the op
3. Where's my obs?
4. This game was really stacked towards town, you'll see the math in scum chat when this is over

Having me as a partner last game game back and bit you

It's okay i still love you Dolby. RIP #1 best scum bus driver
A few things

1. **** you all for suspecting me just because of the Trojan douse
2. I would have been able to vote day one if Ness used the day end time stated in the op
3. Where's my obs?
4. This game was really stacked towards town, you'll see the math in scum chat when this is over

1. Honestly idgaf about the Trojan douse really, I suspected you based off that bull**** list i asked you for.
2. Didn't he? 9 EST or whatever
3. Peace friend
4. Mixed, but like Oath said let's leave that for post game
So far, I'm seeing Minties as 50/50 town/scum; Tom, Dannyboi, Oath, and Trojan as townie; and Panda, Ayayayayay, and White Claw as most likely scum.

So we know that trojan and white claw both flipped town. Lucanosa didn't mention Dolby at all to steer suspicion away. In comparison, Dolby weakly bussed Lucanosa, possibly meaning he could have done with with the rest of his team.

Lucanosa doesn't seem experienced enough to have bussed his own team, so I'd be more inclined to believe that he either avoided them or attempted to clear them as town (Tom, Daniel, Oath).

He avoided mentioning Trundle, Kit, Reyy, Dolby, M3ow_, and Llama.

And for Tom

Panda-Leaning red (Response to Ayaya's "case")
Trojan- How should I know, pancake king
Call me Daniel- (Slightly) Leaning Red
Tom-Leaning Town
Ayaya- weak town vibes
Lucanosa-Leaning Red (50/50 Minties suspicion. WTF)
m3ow-Prob Town
Trundle- Leaning Town
White Claw-???
Llama-Leaning Town

Dolby also avoided making suspicions on Kit and Reyy. They both put Panda in the scum category. He also said that Daniel was "leaning red" which is either a bus like Lucanosa or trying to muddy the waters up.
Quoting and replying is a pain on mobile so I'll link to their search results:

So far Kit is the most suspicious out of the three.
I get that you're fairly new here, and I'll be honest in saying that I'm not the most experienced player myself, far from it. But I don't think your argument, at least against Daniel anyways, has much ground to stand on.

Tom beat me to a post on your analysis, so some of this is going to be basically repeating what he already said.

"He started to bandwagon for Starry because she's inactive and will hinder the game, said she's a good lynch but seems not sure himself that she's scum and can't provide better evidence beside her past behaviour"
What I noticed most about what Daniel did was that he didn't back out of his lynch lead, he kept his feet firm in the sand and proceeded despite the backlash. If he was scum this would be a very, very bad move. Either he's incredibly clever scum/has Tom as a teammate instructing his every move, which I guess you could try and back up a theory on with Tom's post defending him

So we're working with two main theory's here on Daniel as far as I'm concerned. Either he is indeed just a very bold town player/bad scum or he and Tom are teamed together and planning a master mind-f*** on us. The latter of which I really doubt, especially because Daniel almost got himself lynched on D1 before Tom even came into the game. Which actually makes your theory impossible.
After Starry turned out to be a Blue Role, he doesn't seem to feel sorry for the mislynch and kept trying to justify his view, and can be seen panicking because he's next to lynch. As you said, mislynching seems common on the first day but there is no reason for you to panic and defend yourself at any accusation thrown at you, unless you're scum and realized you screwed up.
Please inform me at what point was he panicking? All he did was answer any question thrown at him. Was he really next-to-lynch? No, I don't think so.
Daniel might be the only active scum in the team, and wanted to be a good scum, he thought he should lead a mislynch on someone, and what better candidate but Starry, who no one trust, isn't viewed well in other player's eyes, and is away so she can't defend herself? It'Il be an easy mislynch
Unfortunately this backfired on him because it makes him scummier to do an obvious mislynch. He panicks and defend himself badly, showing how inconsistent he is with his reasons (probably because he didn't have any in the first place)
Haydenn and Aelia gets replaced by Tom and me. Ness was quick in replacing Haydenn, so if my guess about Daniel working alone is right, then I think Haydenn was Arsonists Leader
He was replaced by Tom and, seeing his teammate is under fire, swoops in with his TL;DR post. He didn't clear Daniel quickly and called him dumb scum, probably to make him look like he's not with him, but he agreed on the Starry lynch to probably make Daniel less scum. He didn't attack him but instead, try to find other players for town to be suspicious on. You can see on his posts that he tried to put the spotlight on Trundle, and then lurkers (Dolby for example), so town can look away from Daniel's mistake.
This is really, really, really hard to believe. First off Tom isn't a player to put out a fire, he's the one who starts it and watches it burn. If he and his team could benefit off of lynching a fellow mafia player to make themselves look good, specifically one like Daniel he absolutely would jump at the opportunity and we'd probably all buy it.

Also, this

Said right after Tom's post on Trundle.

Do with this post what you will.. But for the moment I'm inclined to believe that Daniel is town, Tom is... kind of ringing green vibes, Ayaya is leaning more towards the middle, Panda & Trundle seem a bit fishy, and Ness is 100% Arsonist. Guaranteed.

I notice a pattern between Lucanosa and Dolby that they both write Panda as somewhat scummy, Lucanosa was also going for Trundle (except Dolby which I'm guessing bc he doesn't want to be suspected later when he flips) Here, Kit is also saying Panda & Trundle are scummy.

My conclusion is... Few people in this game know how to do reads.
Okay look, if you're going to make a reads post back it up with actual quotes from the said person you're reading.
Not just "mmmm.. Seems odd lol"
Otherwise people aren't going to take it seriously. You have to justify WHY you feel that way.
Just something that was ticking me off and seems to be a trend in this game.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I can confirm my accidental vig confirmation.
Dumbest moment ever.
I'm sorry Trojan :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also can oath maybe contribute sometime yeah that would be great
I'm crap at reads but if I find some time to get on my computer today then sure.

You complain about other people's read yet when I ask for your reads you said you're crap at it, even though I thought you explained pretty well on why my read is bad, and then you continue to posts without any reads. I know I'm still not good at scumhunting but at least I try to post reads?