Forest of the Lustrous - Ended!!!


Project Staff
Aug 22, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
forest of the lustrous banner.png

In the midst of the forest of the lustrous, amidst the hypnotising refractions of everchanging, evershifting prisms of light, a figure slowly took shape. You stood there, wordlessly.

In equal portions of amazement and puzzlement, you murmured 'Who are you?'

The figure was mired in bewilderment, and just as much awe. 'Who are you?' it whispered.

You wanted to answer the figure, however, a sharp pang of pain assaulted your head. You cannot seem to recall who, or what you were.

Danger was afoot; you are to prove who you are so as to not lose your identity.

Do take a look at the deepest memories of your heart and pour it into a canvas to prevail.

🎇 How It Works 🎇

Are you perhaps new to this event? Fret not, it is rather straightforward!

This event is all about colouring. Every week, a different staff member will post a new line art and you may colour it using any medium you wish. Each round is due on each following week.

Completing them will give you 6 tickets each.

New line arts will be posted on:
  1. Saturday, August 13th 2022 - Created by @Mick !
  2. Saturday, August 20th 2022 - Created by @dizzy bone!
  3. Saturday, August 27th 2022 - Created by @Laudine!

🌜 The Weekly Challenges 🌜

🎇 August 27th - The Third Challenge 🎇

This week's line art was created by yours truly!

Recall yourself!

Startled, you looked into the man who called out to you.

Farley! You gasped, surprised you were able to recall his name.

Farley. You repeated his name again. That's right. You remember now. He is Farley, guardian of the forest.

It all came to you. Finally, finally! You laughed as a wave of relief washed over you.

And who are you?

You are Serena.

You are protector of the crystal pond. Together with Farley, you have guarded this forest for thousands of years.

This place, this very place, was your home. The flash of memories made sense now.

The lost knight and wizard; you showed their way back home. The mysterious creatures –the gyroids– they lived with you in this forest, their jingles and tunes never failed to amuse you.

It was an unfortunate accident. You upset the witch of the forest, and as a result she casted a curse upon you. A curse that made you lost yourself. You were doomed to wander in the forest for all eternity, unable to recall who you were.

But now, you remember now, thanks to Farley. He was more powerful than the witch, and therefore only him can free your caged memory.

You looked around. Ah, the crystal pond. It felt threatening and unfamiliar to you just a moment ago, but now the mere sight of the pond fills you with warmth.

"It has been so long, Farley," you wiped a stray tear from your right eye.

"Centuries, Serena. I've been looking for you. We all missed you."

As if on cue, your familars, the spirit butterflies fly over to your side.

You gently stroked their wings. A soft smile formed on your lips. It has been so, so long. But now you're back home.

It feels good to be home again.


The image above is the full size transparent lineart!


The third challenge is due on Saturday, September 3rd at 6:59PM Fair Time. Happy coloring! 💖

🎇August 20th - The Second Challenge 🎇

This week's ornamentally stunning line art was created by @dizzy bone!

After the fleeting image of the knight with his wizardly companion disappeared, another wave of darkness swiftly filled your consciousness.

Please, you pleaded to no one in particular. No more of this. I just want to be home.


Try as you might, sadly you couldn't remember who you are, let alone where you were from. But the word –oh the word– made you feel a pang of yearning. Some kind of nostalgia, dare you say.

Suddenly, a different memory flashed inside your head. This time, it was of a flowery landscape, filled with mysterious but melodious creatures made of clay. Together, they rattled. They jingled. They sung. The clay figures created an otherworldly melody never heard by any creature before.

What does this mean? This imagery appeared when you thought of home.

Could it be...?

week2_dizzy (1).png

The image above is the full size transparent lineart!


The second challenge is due on Saturday, August 27th at 6:59PM Fair Time. Happy coloring! 💖

🎇 August 13th - The First Challenge 🎇

This week's wondrous line art was created by @Mick!

A sudden flash of memory sparked inside your head.

It was a memory of two adventurers, who once stepped their feet inside this very forest. A chameleon and a sloth, you recalled. One a gallant looking knight, the latter donned in a grand wizard robe.

But how long ago was it? The forest looked different than how it was now, so you assumed that quite some time has passed ever since.

Who were they? Why exactly did you remember this particular memory? You remembered that they seemed to be a close friends.

Just like you, unfortunately they were lost as well.

The knight's eyes sparked when he saw multicolored ladybugs resting on delicate blooms. "What luck!" he cried. "Benevolent ladybugs, my spiritual guides. Help free us from this predicament", the knight pleaded.

The wizard also crouched and asked in a gentle voice, "Happy, happy friends, would you mind showing us the directions?"

You weren't sure what happened to them next.


The image above is the full size transparent lineart!


The first challenge is due on Saturday, August 20th at 6:59PM Fair Time. Happy coloring! 💖

🌟 Rules 🌟

  • One entry for each line art per person. No collaboration please.
  • You may not change your entries after submitting, so make sure you're happy with your coloured pieces before submitting!
  • You may colour the line arts either digitally or using traditional medias of your choice. If you plan to colour the line arts traditionally, you are more than welcome to print the image.
  • Minor modifications to the line arts such as colouring the lines is allowed. However, do not make major changes like redrawing Leif into another character. If you're unsure about something, please post your question in this thread and we will answer as soon as possible.
  • Please be respectful towards each other and refrain from putting down any particular technique and/or medium used.
  • Although this goes without saying, please do put some effort into your entry. If we feel your entry lacks effort, or has just been submitted as a joke, then it won't be accepted.

🌈 How To Submit 🌈

  • After you've finished colouring the line art, upload it on an image hosting site such as imgur.
  • For the first round, post your image here in this thread by Saturday, August 20th at 6:59PM Fair Time. Once your entry has been accepted you will receive your participation tickets.

💫 Prizes 💫

✨ Entry: ✨
  • 6 tickets per round, which means you will receive 18 tickets in total if you enter all three challenges!

✨ Staff Favourites
: ✨
  • 6 bonus tickets
  • AND an animated Enchanted Bloom collectible!

* Please note that staff favourite collectibles will only be distributed once the entire event has ended along with Staff Favourite announcements. Staff favourites will be decided by internal staff voting.

✨🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨

Have a fantastic time!!

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🎇 August 13th - The First Challenge 🎇

This week's wondrous line art was created by @Mick!

A sudden flash of memory sparked inside your head.

It was a memory of two adventurers, who once stepped their feet inside this very forest. A chameleon and a sloth, you recalled. One a gallant looking knight, the latter donned in a grand wizard robe.

But how long ago was it? The forest looked different than how it was now, so you assumed that quite some time has passed ever since.

Who were they? Why exactly did you remember this particular memory? You remembered that they seemed to be a close friends.

Just like you, unfortunately they were lost as well.

The knight's eyes sparked when he saw multicolored ladybugs resting on delicate blooms. "What luck!" he cried. "Benevolent ladybugs, my spiritual guides. Help free us from this predicament", the knight pleaded.

The wizard also crouched and asked in a gentle voice, "Happy, happy friends, would you mind showing us the directions?"

You weren't sure what happened to them next.


The image above is the full size transparent lineart!


The first challenge is due on Saturday, August 20th at 6:59PM Fair Time. Happy coloring! 💖
lovely lineart!! looks like imma have to hop onto my computer for this one, since the procreate select tool likes to leave white edges :(