Buying FOUND fresh feather 🍋🌿

Wpuld the date aug 23 2023 be of use? I can say the time as well if that also interests you.
Wpuld the date aug 23 2023 be of use? I can say the time as well if that also interests you.
Omg, I’ve been looking for agesss. Can I give you 10 tbt for your trouble?

Any message for you? Any celestial message emojis on mine would be great.
I'm glad to help~! That'd be great.

I have the emojis, but out of these which do you connect with more:

'Be you. The world will adjust.'
'Be the moon, and inspire people, even when you're far from full.'
'The wisdom of the Moon is greater than the wisdom of the Earth, because the Moon sees the Universe better than the Earth can see it.'
'The sun watches what I do, but the moon knows all my secrets.'
'Working together, tiny stars light the universe. That's the power of teamwork'
' I throw wishes into the night, and wait for the stars to catch them.'
'My faults are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.'
'I followed my heart, and it led me to the moon.'
'Like a moth in the night, I too, admired and awed by the moon; followed it's light' - Lol just thought of this one.

Sorry there were so many good ones XD Let me know, and I'll send that with some celestial emojis :3 I might choose one of the ones I mentioned above~