Four months on TBT


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Today is the ninth of the month, which means I am one month older on this site. But this is the fourth time it's the ninth since Day one. As it's the four month anniversary, I'm going to review my past activity I had on this site. Since this is the first time I'm reviewing my past activity in general, I'm going to talk about what I liked and what I didn't like about this site. At the same time, I'm going to talk about my best and my worst experiences on TBT for the past four months.

What I liked about TBT:

Oh boy, where do I start? There's a lot of things I liked about it. One of them was the forum currency. This was the first public forum that I visited that had forum currency. You earn currency each time you post. The currency can also be earned when you sell, do art, or win a giveaway. You can spend currency for collectibles (either from shop or other users), signatures, art, profile edits, or even items from video games, including the game this site is based on.

I also like the collectible feature, where you can display collectibles under your profile, such as rainbow feathers, green pinwheels, Pokeballs, chocolate cakes, and other collectibles, ranging from common, easy to get collectibles to extremely rare collectibles.

The users are very entertaining as well, including the mods. I wouldn't look down at them for getting silly, but I would compliment them for being silly, like the pizza threads or when we kept refreshing the shop just to get what we want. The mods are very helpful as well. If there's a rule that I don't want to break, or if there's a user that's causing trouble, they will take care of it. And they aren't just limited to online activity. I had a huge problem with my pet apples since January 2013, and a mod gave me advice on taking care of apples.

What I didn't like about TBT:

Of course, no site is perfect for me. What I don't like about TBT is how left-winged this site is. Out of everyone who cares about politics on this site, most of them are liberal rather than conservative or moderate. I have a huge problem with the left wing in personal life, and it's mainly because of their beliefs. I don't believe in hating people for having different opinions, but I'm intolerant of people who are both liberal and are willingly to hate people who don't agree with them, especially on socialized medicine. I have zero tolerance of socialized medicine/universal healthcare, as I consider it to be communist since it infringes on freedom. I take communism and socialism extremely seriously. And some of you even criticize me for opposing socialized medicine. I'm glad that the mods are unbiased, but it doesn't mean they are moderate. Again, I don't mind non-political liberals, it's just only the biased ones I'm concerned about.

Because of how liberal TBT was, as well as LBPC and South Park Studios (I'm not a member, but I used to read from their site), it makes me wonder if all forums about gaming and TV shows are primarily liberal. Does it have to do with the age group, or is it that the newer generations are more liberal?

My Best Experience:

That's a tough one here. There has been so many that I can't pick one, so I'll just name a few.

One of them was the TBT Fair. I like the activities they have there where you can earn tickets. Tickets can be used to earn fair collectibles. So far, I had a total of 35 tickets, but I spent them all. I got myself a patch and two different balloons as I sent Kaiaa a green balloon for free. I may have lost every contest and didn't get any staff favorite at the fair, but it was worth it. Why? Because for the rainbow feathers and green pinwheels I failed to get, the small number of tickets was enough to get what I wanted most from the fair. I really don't see a point in feathers, as balloons are more valuable than pinwheels in my opinion. Maybe next year, I should save up to 100 tickets and get ten yellow feathers since they were the least purchased unlimited collectible. I feel sorry for the yellow feathers.

Also, somewhere in the middle of the fair, I finally got the chocolate cake collectible I was looking for. I even got it fresh from the shop. Not only that, I gave 110 free TBT to someone who needed it without letting him know beforehand. That was my fourth time I've done something like that on this site. What else is there? The TBT People's Choice Awards. I may not be a member for even a full four months, but I won an award. I was very thankful for everyone who voted me for it. I'm also not surprised why I won the award. I'm guessing it's because of the original StarFall Press.

There's not much else that I can say here, but I can't believe that I got famous on this site after four months.

My Worst Experience:

Despite enjoying my time here and all these good experiences, my overall experience on TBT was not perfect. Throughout the last four months, I had encountered a few trolls that had conflict with me. People have pointed at me in a negative light when I make some arguments. And of course, whatever I said in "what I didn't like about this site." But if there's anything that ruined my experience on this site more than anything else, it would be that huge giveaway thread held back in late October.

If you weren't unaware, the host went crazy (no offense) because people have taken collectibles a big deal, so she was generous and made a huge giveaway. One of the prizes was a Pokeball. Even I wanted to get that. But I later decided that I don't mind getting any prize other than the yellow candy. Somehow, I made the wrong move by threatening to sell the yellow candy. Yes, this was a shameful thing that I did, but that's one time I got this rude. And I didn't even know how bad it was. Either way, I provoked a lot of angry reactions on that thread. A whole bunch of users, including the host, ganged up against me, yelling rude comments. I was hurt by them. I would've had the potential to complain about how they treated me on that thread, but that would make the situation only worse as it may result getting an infraction, so on that day online, I acted like I had a good day just like if nothing happened, but today, I'm going to share how I felt about the thread. I'm not going to call out any names, so if you remember being rude to me, I'm looking at you. I have a note just to make sure that it doesn't happen.

I know you don't me talking about this since it was in the past, but it's part of my review on best and worst experiences. If I make you feel bad, then I'm sorry. My purpose isn't to shame on you or look for sympathy. It's to give you a heads up in case someone gets rude to me.

Anyway, I was appalled at your rude posts. I was feeling much more hurt by your words than how the host felt by my words. In fact, I was so hurt to the point where I almost planned on talking about it beyond this site. Although I haven't done so yet (in fact, that's not going to happen no matter what), I did not deserve the rude posts. Do you know why? This was my first offense, and I didn't know that it was considered rude to sell what you win in a giveaway. What's even worse was that you acted like strict teachers because I said something, not knowing it was bad. How would you feel if a whole bunch of people ganged up against you, yelling flames for doing a first-time offense you didn't know was bad? I was hurt very badly because of that. I understand that you take selling what you win in a giveaway seriously, but I take extremely strict discipline ten times more seriously, especially on first time offenses. And you weren't just disciplining. You were flaming. Do you think insulting another person is a good punishment for something they didn't know? I understand that extreme offenses are worth getting mass insults for on first offense, but this is something that isn't even extreme. It's okay to get this rude if I made that same offense for the fifth time, but you did this on the first time. You can now see why I am angry for that.

Anyway, I regret rejecting that yellow candy and forgiven you for your rude posts. In addition, I won't do any of the following:

  • Sell what I win in a giveaway
  • Talk about this giveaway thread on another site
  • Continue talking about this giveaway on this site
  • Let your rude posts count against you in the future
  • Or even threaten to do any of the above

But next time, if anybody threatens to sell what they win, please report that to the mods. They won't think kindly of people threatening to sell what they won. I don't want you to get this rude again. I understand how painful it was that I rejected the candy, but there's no reason to get this rude. I learned my lesson.

If you want to know why I didn't want the yellow candy, you can ask privately, but I bet that you don't want to know because this is a subject of the past. I will accept sympathy if you show sympathy.


My overall experiences for the first four months on TBT was mostly positive. Despite the bad stuff, I hope that I have another good four months on this site.
I totally agree! I've been here for... almost nine months now! I've run into 3 bad situations, not that big :D
That's good. Although the giveaway thread incident was painful, I've seen worse beyond this site. I don't have a negative reputation on this site, but I am completely disreputable on Little Big Planet Central. After all these controversial threads and continuing to go off-topic, people think of me as the worst on that site. But they don't hate me. I learned my lesson there, and I know what to do here.
"What I don't like about TBT is how left-winged this site is."

lol too bad. It's both the age group and the newer generations. Younger people tend to be more liberal.
you see over the years now the young are becoming communists thats jyst how it is the commjunsit youth party is taking over the future gernatioon we must sae them....join me my brethern
justice;bt8952 said:
you see over the years now the young are becoming communists thats jyst how it is the commjunsit youth party is taking over the future gernatioon we must sae them....join me my brethern

Uh, no thanks. Communism is not just abusive, but it doesn't work well at all either.
Okay, first, no I don't read blog posts. Ever. My girlfriend is not my keeper and please if you want me to read something then contact me not her. Now then.

All I see is you WHINING ABOUT SOMETHING THAT DIDN'T GO YOUR WAY in my giveaway. I told you I didn't give a **** if you sold the candy like three to four time. I have no why idea why this is such a big ****ing deal to you and why you KEEP BRINGING IT UP. The way I remember it going is that people told you it wasn't kosher to sell something given away but some people where rude but I honestly didn't CARE if you sold it. I was more upset Kira tried to cheat from my girlfriend.

I said a few times "I don't care" because I didn't. I've been getting rude because you KEEP BRINGING IT UP. I don't care, I never cared. I wanted to have fun and wanted people to just calm down. I never attacked you, so stop placing the blame on me.

Let it go, bad **** happens all the time, it's the internet. Holding onto things from October will do nothing but continue to upset you. I don't CARE if you sell the candy or not, yellow candy is kinda a ****ty prize anyway, I know. I just wanted to clear out my inventory and you happened to get the **** end of the stick. I'm sorry for that, and your reaction hurt, but you know what this is not a bully victim game, this is bad reactions and text over voice syndrome and internet reactions. Stop trying to turn me into a bully over this because honestly I only have control of myself on the internet and no one else. I'm not a mod and I'm not an admin. I'm a simple user who was doing something I didn't have to do. People will get upset and there is NOTHING I can do about it.

But like I said, I didn't care, and only care because your wrapped view of the event is driving me crazy. LET. IT. GO.
Callaway;bt9294 said:
I said a few times "I don't care" because I didn't.

First things first (I'm the realist), I am not sure why you came to me first and not my girlfriend; whether it was just because you wanted to make the blow less to yourself or if you were just nervous to contact her directly, but I am getting a little bit sick of everyone just assuming I follow on the tail of my girlfriend's ass 24/7. I let her do her own thing and she does the same for me, it's not like we are down each other's throats all the time nor do we want to be. If you wanna talk to her, just like she said, message her, not me. 99.99% of the time she will check her messages before I will ever check mine.

Next of all, from what I remember (which is vague since it was OCTOBER), no one outright jumped you right off the bat. We told you it was wrong, you put on the sass/got very defensive and then people started getting snippy with you. If anything you antagonized it by going on and on about it even after people were trying to drop it (which it seems like you are still doing, tbh). It would be very appreciated if you would just let it go, water off a duck's back and all that jazz.

Please, I think quite a few people are tired of hearing about it.
@Callaway: Like I said, my goal is to share how good the best experiences were and how bad the worst experiences are. At the same time, I will keep the promises I said (including not talking about it in the future). I'm also not going to sell it.

If you want to know what's even harder to forget, it would be the last awards ceremony (my best experience on this site actually). Yeah, whatever I said was my worst experience here was still the worst within the first four months, but I suffered worse last weekend (people are making me feel bad for having different opinions in politics).

I'm sorry if I made you and anybody else who got mad at me feel bad, but I just don't tolerate people being overly harsh. I didn't know it was bad, I didn't mean to complain about what I got and how I was treated. But hey, I'm over this. I'm not talking about it again.

I'll possibly stop participating in collectible giveaways, but that won't stop me from hosting giveaways.

Anyway, have fun in Germany.
shinkuzame;bt9296 said:
First things first (I'm the realist), I am not sure why you came to me first and not my girlfriend; whether it was just because you wanted to make the blow less to yourself or if you were just nervous to contact her directly, but I am getting a little bit sick of everyone just assuming I follow on the tail of my girlfriend's ass 24/7. I let her do her own thing and she does the same for me, it's not like we are down each other's throats all the time nor do we want to be. If you wanna talk to her, just like she said, message her, not me. 99.99% of the time she will check her messages before I will ever check mine.

Next of all, from what I remember (which is vague since it was OCTOBER), no one outright jumped you right off the bat. We told you it was wrong, you put on the sass/got very defensive and then people started getting snippy with you. If anything you antagonized it by going on and on about it even after people were trying to drop it (which it seems like you are still doing, tbh). It would be very appreciated if you would just let it go, water off a duck's back and all that jazz.

Please, I think quite a few people are tired of hearing about it.

I promise to stop talking about it here. Another reason why I brought it up here is because I needed to vent. I was not letting go in personal life before, but when I'm done thinking about what to write, I'm done talking about it. I was going to implode if I didn't vent. I'm not angry about it as much after posting, but I now feel like I'm going to get in real trouble. I'm not sure what rule I broke, but I already caused drama.
Can I ask why you would prefer private healthcare over public healthcare or even co-existence of public/private?
As for the generation being more "liberal" the truth is that they're not. They think they are because words like freedom, truth, believe, rights, (uhh can't think of more atm but anyways I hope you see my point) are being thrown around in politics, social media, etc when in reality neoliberalism has been strategically so well replaced the way many structures and systems are governed.
lunathenia;bt9309 said:
Can I ask why you would prefer private healthcare over public healthcare or even co-existence of public/private?

What I don't like are the restrictions universal healthcare is putting. You know that in a communist society, all jobs, houses, and schools are owned by the government, and they get to make all the decisions, right? Universal healthcare is exactly the same thing. The government makes the decisions on healthcare, what doctors to go to, and put maximum wage (which actually increases waiting times for healthcare). Obamacare isn't at that level yet, but it has much more restrictions, like the employer insurance mandate or when all fast foods must display nutrition requirements in the public. So universal healthcare is a true communist plan as the ACA (also known as Obamacare) is not just affecting healthcare, but also affecting business.
Lol.... Let's not use obamacare as an example. That's not what public healthcare is, that's called Nazicare. Anyways i rarely discuss history/politics unless its irl since it often turns into nasty **** online. Just wanted to see the logic behind your opinion. I'll tell you one thing though, Universal healthcare is not public healthcare.
That pic was...idk strange.

But let's stop commenting here. I wasn't trying to break the rules, but what I have been doing wrong is that I continued to bring this bad subject up after months from the incident. But if they weren't overly harsh and/or if I encountered worse during that time, I would've not brought it up. But this subject is over. I was blocked, and everyone else is tired of this subject. I have let it go and I'm moving on.