Four Players and Fifteen Villagers, or Eight Players and Ten Villagers

What would you rather have more?

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Let the apples roll!
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Green Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Back in the GameCube Version, we were able to have as many as 15 villagers, only to be shortened to eight in Wild World. Starting with City Folk, we consistently had ten villagers in every game.

Then in New Horizons, we were able to have eight players in one island, breaking a long trend when you can have at most four players.

Which would you rather have? More players, or more villagers?
Definitely four players and fifteen villagers.

I've never really made alternative player characters and stuck with them but I do usually have trouble with narrowing down 10 villagers for New Leaf and now New Horizons. Additionally, I feel like we'd need more land mass to accommodate 15 villagers; I'm in favour of increasing the size of the map in future games.
I prefer having 15 villagers and four humans over 10 villagers and eight humans. I like creating alternative characters to give me more room for decoration, but eight characters is too much for me to take care of, especially with how time traveling works in ACNH. As for more or less villagers, 10 has hardly been enough villagers for the town or island. I would prefer to have more.
I'm going to be the person who chooses the lesser option and vote for more humans and less animals. I think what New Horizons did with the amount of players you can have is a great thing. Meaning you can make their houses become a thematic part of your island's theme with whatever you have on mind without letting the other villagers take up that spot with less room to decorate around.
And you don't even have to make up to 8 at a time either, just go with how many your heart desires.

While I'd love 15 villagers, it would make our maps feel overcrowded as we're going to need more acres of land if 5 more villager slots were ever added.
Its called Animal Crossing for a reason. Having more villagers would also be better for me personally because there is overlap in personalities and hobbies with some of my favourite villagers. 8 player characters is too much honestly. I prefer just 4 like in NL.
More animals and less players. I never share AC with anyone irl and usually never have more than 2-3 characters max, so being able to have 8 characters is a useless feature for me.

I've always wished that the player slots we don't use could be filled by villagers instead. For example, in New Horizons, if you only use 2/8 player slots, you can have 16 villagers instead of 10. Choosing how many player and villager slots you have could be something you do at the start of the game, and you can change it later in your game's settings or something. That way, people who want the player slots can have them, and people who want more villagers can have them.
While I am someone who makes as many player characters as possible in the games, whether it's 4 in the earlier games or 8 in New Horizons, I would much prefer for them to bring back the 15 villager allowance from the GameCube days. 10 villagers just feels too limited and, both in New Leaf and New Horizons, there are some villagers I've wanted to have as residents of my towns/island that simply didn't make the cut due to the limit.

The 8 player characters on the Switch are admittedly nice for someone like me, between making the island feel more lived in, letting me come up with characters with personalities and limited backstories, allowing for more opportunities to design homes (though that's unfortunately not up to snuff compared to the previous games due to the small room sizes in New Horizons) and granting me more storage space. However, I realize that I'm not really the average player; most people are probably only making one character for themself and maybe have extra characters in their town/island from family members or friends. Though, certainly, some subset of the playerbase probably makes multiple characters for the same, or other, reasons.

It's a shame that we haven't been able to have 15 villagers since the GameCube game. Maybe they don't want more than 10 nowadays since it would lead to more dialogue repeating, which would draw attention and criticism. I mean, there's already criticism at the current level, so more villagers would just make it more apparent. I don't know. Whatever the case, I wish they'd allow us to have more villagers in future games.
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Either way is alright, but I think I prefer the original Gamecube mix of having up to 15 villagers. It was fun having a bigger mix of characters. Sometimes in ACNH I don't want anyone to move out, but with 15, there'd always be at least a couple I'd be ok booting for someone new to move in!
This is something that I had in my head for ages now:

Eight players (I guess) and 10 villagers on our islands.
I always thought that, what if Nintendo have gave us 17 villagers but only if you're the only human who lives on the island.
The amount of villagers you can have decreases if you add multiple characters to your game.

Something I said a while back on the Random thoughts thread (New Horizons). I want more villagers, I can't stand moving out villagers (that I still want) for villagers I want. (if that make sense)

I'm the only one who runs the town.
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More animals. I see no real reason to have that many humans unless you’re using them for… decoration, I guess. 8 is already kind of pushing it. Though, I think the amount of villagers a town can have in New Horizons is fine.
While I am someone who makes as many player characters as possible in the games, whether it's 4 in the earlier games or 8 in New Horizons, I would much prefer for them to bring back the 15 villager allowance from the GameCube days. 10 villagers just feels too limited and, both in New Leaf and New Horizons, there are some villagers I've wanted to have as residents of my towns/island that simply didn't make the cut due to the limit.

The 8 player characters on the Switch are admittedly nice for someone like me, between making the island feel more lived in, letting me come up with characters with personalities and limited backstories, allowing for more opportunities to design homes (though that's unfortunately not up to snuff compared to the previous games due to the small room sizes in New Horizons) and granting me more storage space. However, I realize that I'm not really the average player; most people are probably only making one character for themself and maybe have extra characters in their town/island from family members or friends. Though, certainly, some subset of the playerbase probably makes multiple characters for the same, or other, reasons I stated.

It's a shame that we haven't been able to have 15 villagers since the GameCube game. Maybe they don't want more than 10 nowadays since it would lead to more dialogue repeating, which would draw attention and criticism. I mean, there's already criticism at the current level, so more villagers would just make it more apparent. I don't know. Whatever the case, I wish they'd allow us to have more villagers in future games.

I never really thought about the dialogue repeating as an issue, but that's a fair point. On the other hand,with 15 villagers, there's more variety in your town, so at least for me, I probably wouldn't see each villager as often. So it could make the repetitive aspect improve.