Hello! How much is Monique?
Heyya! She's free!
Really!?!? Oooh!!!!
I need her for my cat town!!!
Could I pick her up after dinner,or would that be too much of a bother?
Also,that's super kind of you to do that! ^~^
Yes. She's a tier 5, I believe. Actually, whats your timezone?
Cool. Im in PST. Just let me know. Imm going to work at 7:30 pm pst. So, just letting you know in case we cant do it after dinner.
So it is 3:26 where you are? (I googled it but google has been wrong before! LOL)
If no one wants Melba when she is ready, may I have her? ^^
Sure! Ill let you know if she's in boxes.
Thanks so much!
Hey I have Francine now.