Shop Free Fruit for New Members! 🍎🍊🍑🍒🍐 Avalar Farms: All Fruits! All Veggies! All Flowers! Bush & Pumpkin Starts!

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  1. TBT Bells
Heya I've got your flowers ready, though I'm out of the house for a bit today and won't be able to trade until this evening :)
No problem, just send me a message when you are available! I’ll be home for the rest of the day so I’ll keep checking back!
Heya I could do 150 blue roses, note that I don't have that many on hand, and would need some time to breed them :)
I'll happily buy the 150 from you! I'll send tbt when you have enough blue roses to fulfill the order ^-^
Heya I've got your blue roses ready for drop off now! Let me know when you're available. :)
I'm currently available :)

edit: i go back to sleep now zzzzzzzz (will be back later)

edit 2: I'm online again for a while
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