Giveaway FREE New Leaf Help! All fruits, Sanrio and other RV's, orderable DLC items & HHD items, weeds, item transfer, & more! [CLOSED]

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@Mr_Keroppi All right! Just let me know when you're ready, and I'll open my gate. (mostly posting so that I get notified when you do, otherwise your new post will merge with your previous one XD )
@Mr_Keroppi All right! Just let me know when you're ready, and I'll open my gate. (mostly posting so that I get notified when you do, otherwise your new post will merge with your previous one XD )
Hello again! I think I am finally ready as I am not busy at all! I will be free until Tuesday because we have break! Just message me a good time and I will come on over to your town! Thanks again for offering! This will help me a lot :)
@Mr_Keroppi Okay! My gate is open for you now. I'll save every five minutes or so in case we get disconnected. I'll be AFK in the game otherwise, so if you need to tell me anything, please post here instead of trying to talk in-game.
I'm still checking this thread every day, in case anyone needs anything that I'm offering. :)

@twittersnowflakes I never heard from you again after you replied to me in your thread. Did you still need a town to visit for your visiting badge? Or do you need anything else that I can help with here?
I'm still checking this thread every day, in case anyone needs anything that I'm offering. :)

@twittersnowflakes I never heard from you again after you replied to me in your thread. Did you still need a town to visit for your visiting badge? Or do you need anything else that I can help with here?
don't worry. i'm still here buddy. i didn't forget. I'll get back to you within the next couple of days. it was prime day the last two days and there were sales at gamestop too. so I was busy in those places. you're appreciated! :) I'll let you know soon! thank you.
Hello!! I just started playing after a few years and I want to restart. Is it possible if you could hold onto some things (it's going be a lot of items actually) If not, that's okay :)
@BlueRoses I’ll be available to let you visit starting in about two hours from when I’m posting this message. I’ll let you know when I’m ready, then you can let me know when you’re ready.
@BlueRoses I'm here now, ready to let you visit to drop off your items anytime. What is your friend code, please? Mine is in the first post of this thread.
@BlueRoses Okay! I added you now. I'll open my gate and leave it open for you to drop off your items and then pick them up whenever you're ready. If you need to leave them for a while in order to start a new town and perhaps reset for fruits or maps or whatever it is, that's just fine, just let me know, and I'll close my gate until you're ready to pick up your things. I'll probably be away from my 3DS while you're in my town, so if you want to communicate with me, please post here instead of trying to talk in-game.
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