Friendship? :3


smol internet poltergeist
Jun 14, 2013
User Title Color Change
Tasty Cake
100% (14) +
'Ello, maties! Welcome to the S.S. Friend Ship!...

I'm kidding.

I am a newbie to AC: NL, though. I'm familiar with the whole AC franchise, but I do see this game is a bit different than its predecessors. Anyway, with the little time I've had to play while I'm moving in real-life, I managed to plant oranges and bamboo. My native fruit are apples!

So, anyone up for opening their doors to me? I'm willing to let people come visit mine, but there's not much to do...My permit has yet to be processed :( and I haz trust issues. but yeah~ add meeee and I'll accept ASAP. let me know, too!

Thanks in advance!
Added you. I pretty much play all day XD I have all fruits and would be willing to trade some for some bamboo...
Yeee! thank you, I'll add you all as soon as I can!

Any other partygoers? :3
added you since you seem like a really nice person I?m not much further than you, maybe even behind you so lets be friends.
All right, thanks again everybody!

Are you all okay if I visit your towns first...? (we can discuss the specifics over PM) I'm ashamed of my town right now :c

Anyone have Shampoodle?

and it would appear my oranges have not grown...
Added you I'll probably be online tomorrow there'll be more stuff to do other than hang in my house.