Friga gave me a festive wreath today!

Nice!! Isabelle didn't give me jack, but Vivian gave me a festive wreath right as I was about to finish up playing for the morning. 😊
I got one from Isabelle today
Thats the Ornament Wreath.

OK guys:

You can get the Ornament Wreath from Isabelle or Balloons

Its a DIY and can be customized.

The Festive Wreath can be given to you by a villager once or you can obtain it from Jingle on Toy Day


It is not a DIY and cannot be customized.
Curt gave me mine this morning, what a nice surprise! :)
Wolfgang gave me one! I hung it up immediately!

Edit: that was my 1,000th post! 😃
Beautiful Pietro clearly loving the festive season presented me with mine today. Its handy as I prefer to the ice and bauble ones!
Coco gave me it today aswell. I had everyone matching with the snowflake wreaths (certain villagers havent put it on though)....but I couldnt not use it for my house 😁
Mitzi gave me mine. So happy I don't have to go looking for it or wait for Toy Day
Yes! I was really bummed about having to wait until Christmas Eve/Day for this. I want time to enjoy it!
I am going to pester my villagers today.